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RE: Why I bought KOMODO (KMD) and Why I think it will make my investment 2x in just 4 days ?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

why should a service or platform or whatever it is work on a project quietly should be the question? coming up saying to have an announcement without anybody having any clue about an anouncement is not really as transparent as a blockchain service that is decentralised is expected to be right? so yeah this strange action of komodo makes it look not really as interesting or as trustworthy to me, as let's say eos who communicate very openly and on schedule of what they are doing... could you imagine how there would be reacted to behaviour like this in the common stockmarket? ''Hey shareholders buy our shares, we are secretly working on something but we do not say it and we have a major announcement to make an go boost marketing and stuff so buy our shares''.... lol what style is that, it's completely in contrast with why people are into blockchain tech and decentralisation haha.. I will stay away from this vague komodo thing because of this. Good luck if you aren't on the same way of thinking though... secure and private money by the way is also verge coin, monero, dash, Zcash, leocoin, bitcoindark like said in this post, anoncoin, cloakcoin and probably some dozen of other currency' i don't see why I would invest my money in this here, I think it will probably die after some time when the hype fades. please convince me, or at least tell me why did you invest in komodo? What was or is the reason to believe it will double what is its usp or usability that stands above all other ''anonymous'' currency's... I'm curious I may miss something here
