Siacoin tech is one of my favorite use cases for blockchain. Or, was. I'm exiting the community on this coin.
Sia was cool because you could get behind it without losing out on ETH, and everyone has free space on a hard drive to share eventually. Its a brilliant plan, until ASIC started this week.
Incentive has been removed for GPU miners, and I wish I had just mined ETH with that computing power.
So long SiaDevs. I feel like you ruined a really cool thing.
Thanks for shaing
NP! Tell your friends to stop mining Siacoin if they have rigs running! You are losing money.
It's really sad, incentives has been removed, does it affect Eth?
ETH is all good still, no changes there. SIA difficulty increased a HUGE amount because of ASIC mining, making it obsolete for GPU mining. This is a big deal for ETH miners, because many of them are sitting on tons of SC, but are no longer a part of the network. GPU miners have been excluded from SC.
It really a sad story
Sad indeed.