As a personal trainer, I have the benefit of meeting lots of people and getting to know them quite well. For that I am grateful because it helps me learn new ideas. I get to hear about many different careers, relationships, hobbies, shows, kids and everything else under the sun that is near and dear to our hearts as people.
So in the grand scheme of things I recognize that there are many levels and types of fitness. Physical fitness is the most common type that people think about when we hear the word fitness but rest assured, it is not the main one. Mental fitness is very important too and there are hundreds of areas in our lives where we can increase our levels of fitness. Rather than get into every area, I'll take a moment to exercise my imagination, in hopes to increase my mental fitness.

Below are several quotes to ponder on that come straight from my imagination. In my mind, I can see a world in the future that is great, that is very fit, and not just the fit that can lift 100 lbs but the fit that refers to "Fit enough to lead." In any case, take a look at these quotes and let me know what you think.
If you want a workout for your mind, just try and imagine how these quotes would come about.
Quotes From The Fully Chained World
Job Interview - "Oh you went to Harvard, well, through the blockchain, let's pull up every piece of work you have done. Oh I see you are very well versed here sir."
Hospital Visit - "I know we're not your primary medical care provider, but I'll just take a look at your records on the health-chain, so we can take care of you...PayPal or Medicoin?"
Traffic Stop - "You know why I pulled you over?...Take a look at the VLOGChain here on my phone and see for yourself that the light was red. Based on our Con-Chain I see you have a warrant as well and it shows here you don't have any COP-coin or Donuterium so I am going to have to ask you to step out of the car sir."
Pan Handling-"Sorry I don't have any ether."
thank you for being in my kitchen where we're always on a mission to find nutrition!
Sincerely @saysay
#Imagine a world where we can pull up any record of anything at any time.