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RE: Cryptocurrency and Should You Invest?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

A great post very interesting. Your reasons for getting into crypto are similar to many peoples, mine own included to some degree.

Max Keiser put me on to Bitcoin and then I began educating myself. Bitcoin and crypto came out of the 2008 economic crash which proved, if any was needed, that our current economic system is broken and acts as a gigantic wealth transfer mechanism - taking from the 99% and giving to the 1%. No amount of tinkering or reforms were going to chnage this for the better. Now we have crypto and don't need the banks, insurance companies and all the other intermediaries that steal from us in different ways.
Crypto then offers ordinary people the chance to become their own bank and take control over their financial destiny.
Besides this, there is the enormous potential for blockchain powered digital assets which will transform most sectors of our society over the next decade or so.
You could play it safe and put all your money in a bank. But why settle for miserly returns plus you are supporting the very system that is keeping you down. Carefully investing some of your hard earned cash into crypto will pay off in so many different ways including helping to make the world a better place. Sounds too good to be true!