#LegitCoin CryptoBouns Episode # 3 - Get 5 Legitcoins For Free - Excepted Worth $350 Company Promise

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


Legitcoin, found online at https://goo.gl/cN6rCn , is a digital currency that’s being sold for $2 apiece online today. The creators of Legitcoin claim the token will be worth $70 by March 2018. In other words, they’re promising investors that their investment will be multiplied by 35x just by buying Legitcoin today.

Legitcoin is listed under the symbol LEGIT.

Typically, when someone is trying to sell an investment product to you, they’ll avoid making ridiculous statements about the future value of that investment. Legitcoin doesn’t have any products or services in place. The company doesn’t claim to solve any problems whatsoever. Despite the total lack of value, the company claims its token will skyrocket in value in just a few short weeks.

Legitcoin Website : https://goo.gl/cN6rCn

Presale : Jan 9
Open : Jan 15
Closing : Feb 14

Max Supply : 20 Million LEGIT Coins

Current Price : 1.75$ / LEGIT
Market Price in March : 70$ / LEGIT [As per company promise]

As much lower max Supply will higher the price,Every crypto trader,marketer and user know this secret.

If someone tried to sell you a blank piece of paper for $2 today, claiming it was going to be worth $200 by the end of 2018, would you pay that man $2? Probably not. That’s what Legitcoin is trying to do.

So,Everybody vist their site from link given above and claim your free 5 LEGIT Coins for now.

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