
I'm surprised you guys were able to tap into that. Everytime I see a gap it closes fast because of arbitrage bots usually or it is caused because deposits or withdraws are closed on a certain exchange.

Do those trading bots really work? It's funny you mention that I just was reading up on them last night. So I guess from what I could gain from the stuff I was reading bots aren't some magic machine that predicts the future and makes you money, you basically program it's actions based on a trading strategy?

I was reading about some people making good money but they said because they are not flawless the people running them were scared to put big money at stake as in the case of volatility they can make mistakes and lose you money?

Wow that's pretty cool! I wonder what other coins on these two vary that much. Do you open real time trading charts for both side by side and watch the prices ticking up and down?

Yes for most you don't even have to have an account just to watch or check prices. Here's a page on Bittrex that shows current trading for LTC.

You can also view say Coinbases charts here...

And can really jump across all exchanges, poloniex, cracken, etc, etc, etc and see if you can find some opportunities.

I wrote an article that explains the math involved in a simple way to arbitrage across cryptocurrency exchanges. Important to know what you are getting into so that you will not be trading at a loss.

its interssting what youre saying but i dont realy agree with it to be honest if you do this with youre money you risk to loose it all you dont have that a big capital to make inoth winns to say wow i will life of it because with all this fees they are crazy i did this for a while and the fees ust suck your winnig dry its ridiculous maybe im olso not the best trader or i dont have inoth time or passion to be the hole day there to do this thats why i ususlay use investment pages where pay me around 1% a day and i make great expirience with this if you pt your stock on diffreent pages eaven one goes down you woud make winns
i leave you here the links maybe you wana have a look