Hey Alzie, diving in is great as long as your aren't putting serious money in at first. I did that with mining when I got started earlier this year, just because I wanted to better understand crypto. Bought a cheap HP WIn10 desktop with 2 GPU slots. Bought a $20 2gb GPU and started it all up. I quickly realized that the GPU was too underpowered, but I started to learn how and why. Now that PC doubles as a trading bot server and my only Windows machine, so it worked out, just not as a mining machine.
After trading for a month I started to read and this is important. You can't just jump in and learn by trial and error when money is involved. I started to look at the fundamentals behind most coins. You don't have to do this, you can just trade the charts, but with fundamentals you have long term security, knock on wood.
Aside from trading, we're all still rookies. Everything is just getting started so who knows which coin will actually make it. One coin may be disputed by another, superior technology. We're where we were in the mid 90's when the internet was just starting to be built. Many of those startups are gone and many new ones have come into existence. My advice would be jump in, but read as much as you can as fast as you can. Youtube works too.
Hi rt395 I agree with you but my point is get involved you don't want to miss the boat. Also as a side note maybe I should have said use money you can afford to lose