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RE: My top 3 choices of Crypto Currency to buy RIGHT NOW.

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

Hello Deadlybuda... With more than 1000 coins in existence, I am sure there are many more than the three that I wrote about. I gave you the reasons why I chose these three, but I am sure there are others that I would also recommend to buy right now, if they meet the same criteria as the three that I chose.

As much as I wish that Musicoin will flourish and be accepted by the music community, it is not one that I would recommend buying right now. As you can see in my recommendations, FairCoin and CloakCoin both have gone UP when most other coins have gone DOWN. But Musicoin is one of those that has gone DOWN in this falling market, and it has gone DOWN about 50% from its high, which is more than the market has fallen. Furthermore, it didn't respond substantially when the market turned around on Sept 6 and 7, so I cannot recommend it as an investment. It is great for music lovers to back up their hobby, and I would give it "moral support" but I cannot recommend it as an investment... not at this time... perhaps in the future when it is well known.

By the way, I listened to your video as a disc jockey, and I liked it a lot! Congratulations! Keep it going. Invite me!