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RE: I Just Bought Some Potcoin

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

I agree regarding the expansion of Federal power, Alexander Hamilton is a happy camper and Jefferson is turning in his grave. But I've read many articles regarding for profit prisons and drug laws keeping their stockholders happy.

“Drug war money has become a notable source of funding for law enforcement interests. Huge government grants and asset-seizure windfalls benefit police departments, while the constant supply of prisoners keeps the prison business booming.”

Even small cities in Los Angeles County bring in millions through asset forfeiture laws, which allow prosecutors and law enforcement seize vehicles, property and cash that’s suspected of even cursory links to illegal drug sales. Those windfalls dried up rapidly in Washington after the state legalized marijuana, leading to sharp cuts in police department budgets.


Scientists are only allowed, via special permit, to experiment with one strain of weed, grown at Ole Miss, under government supervision. Failing to take into account what the many strains are capable of. The entire body has endocannabinoid receptors throughout. It's not known why. It's time to expand the pharmacopia of available medicines.

Sounds like big Ag and their monoculture mindset😏