Interesting, I'd definitely love to hear your thoughts when you get back from the event. Is your travel and lifestyle being funded by your crypto trading at this point?
Don't have to answer, just curious because it seems like you've got a good thing going :)
My life always seems exciting to a lot of my Army buddies also...
Truth be told, I sit inside more often than not :)
It's mainly because of the weather where I currently live. In Cebu City, it is usually 85 degrees with 100% humidity... On top of the stickiness, there is a lot of air pollution.
So, that is why next year, me and my Filipina girlfriend will be moving to South America. And... My life will be considerably better.
And as for how I make money, it has been from dividend interest that I have been piling up for years... So I am slowly dipping into that, and jumping into crypto.
Thanks for asking!
I hear ya, we were stationed in Okinawa for a bit and that temp and humidity combo is killer. We didn't have to deal with the air pollution though, god that sounds horrible.
Are you guys waiting on visas or something else to finish up before heading to South America?
Cool that you've stockpiled a nice enough chunk of change to live off the divis, that's my plan too, just wish I would've started a long time ago :)