Introducing Autonio Ver 1.1 For Windows/Apple/Linux

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

We are excited to introduce to you……

🔹AUTONIO V1.1🔹for 🖼 Windows // 🍎 Apple //🐧 Linux


For those who are just joining us now, Autonio is the first decentralized trading platform with a peers marketplace component. By allowing traders to design their own investment strategies and compete with peers, Autonio not only makes crypto trading easier and more rewarding for the individuals but also improve the best strategies available to the network.

📱Mobile Platforms will be coming in the very near future📲

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Thank you to all our initial ICO investors and all who have joined our community since as a hodler, professional trader, or user.

As many of you already know, the team has worked tirelessly since March, 2017. Over the last 3 weeks, we have been working with the public on the technical calibrations needed for public release. In addition, we have also received a tremednous amount of insightful feedback regarding what the community would like to see upgraded on the user interface/experience side for the next releases.

Some of these planned upgrades include:

While Autonio will continue toimprove its software to keep up with the times and exceed expectations, we are excited to release it to the public for the first time with live trading. In this regard, we have several known issues that we are actively working on to resolve. Users should be careful to take extra precaution to ensure that the program is running the algo as intended. To Run live trading users will need 0.0005 btc worth asset and 0.001 btc worth base as minimum start balance, which is minimum per trade amount requirement by exchanges.



🔹 The offer of free registration to the first 1,000 subscribers is still available on a first come first serve basis, to be paid for by James Drake of Embermine (DETAILS BELOW).
🔹 The updates to our website and whitepaper will be completed, tentatively, by December 27th.
🔸 Roadmaps update on new website
🔹New exchanges will only be announced once we are listed.
🔸 In the social trading, some part of the code rely on ethplorer, the site is under maintenance which is at present causing some issues. This will be fixed and given as a patch shortly.
🔹 Application needs a restart every 10 to 18 hours, and this will also be fixed in update.


⏱Autonio update channel :

🎥 YouTube Beginners Tutorial:

🗒 Full Registration Guide:

📘 User Manual:

📈 Trading Guide for Beginners:


looks like a great initiative ... would be a bit more trust-inspiring if it came with the standard repos after being vetted ... its money after all, and that way you dont have to worry about libraries, compiling, or older or newer versions, the stable version will always be the one installed ... i wish i had money to actually trade again

no, this is not an automated message, its all handpicked, nonetheless i see there's still content dictators trying to tell me what to like and what to write and how to write it, well ...

viewed, voted, commented, and re-steemed ...

anyone follows me i'll follow back within a few days

if you have complaints please check the blog or i can link you the why ... a resteem is a resteem, atm to 142 people, thats 134 chances to have it re-resteemed,

If you take this for what it is : a re-steem by someone who doesnt spend 12 hours a day on steemit, then it is what it is, i usually use my remaining daily votes to up replies that arent threats or content dictator bs. If those people wouldnt bug me and stick to their own zone then this text wouldnt be so lengthy , #fuckwhales, community -- diversity!

if you consider this spam, then by all means, the mute button is on the top right side, feel free to do so and you'll never have to read me again :). Yes, quite simple : instead of acting like you own the place. Just mute me and send me a reply that you did, i will mute you too and ofcourse never resteem or reply anymore (end of spam) its a lot more sympa and we'll never have to see or hear eachother ever again.

otherwise, good luck ... be wary of whales and stalkers, content dictators and bedroom nurrd fascists ... extortion bots and hatebots ...


Thanks for commenting. Why don't you try it out. It will cost you nothing. We'll pay your registration fee. And you can back test or forward test using our demo money. It is the same as trading with money.

So download today. Join our Telegram community for any help that you might need and let us have your feedback. :D

you're welcome ... i dont really spend time on Steemit, i'm stalked by four or five content nazis with money who keep voting me down once a month, i just took a hit from 35 to 21 rep for whatever so i really just upvote and re-steem some people. Shame these obese fish bedroom nazis keep me down or my votes would help you out a lot more, good luck anyway

Grate Work guys
i am getting into it
full support !

Thanks. Within 48 hours of the release NIO touched all time high of $12.55 Million. Please check here and resteem :

Thanks :D

Since the limited release earlier this month most bugs are fixed. So we do not expect any major bug issues. You can download and start using with confidence. Our Telegram group is available 24/7 if you need any help. All the best.

cool wish you all a good year with Autonio !!!

Hope there will be no bugs.
And a big hand for the guide.

Wow it is very intresting nd initiative technology..👍