As my back is firmly pressed against the back of my couch, arm on the rest..I am coming to terms with some cryptocurrency markets i love to trade. Another day has past, as its late in the evening. I reflect on another trade of EOS, yes i caught the top again today. 8.09 was a sweet exit and am awaiting to see if the retrace to 7.50 range will occur. Bitcoin made some moves upwards today, but on a long chart it looks like it barely made an effort to break the down spiral. The trend remains down as it slowly edges into over bought territory. I can feel the air conditioning kick on, to relieve a 82°F night.
Still my mind wanders
CNBC says that Ron Paul said the biggest bubble in the history of he world is about to pop. I Dont seek mainstream media often. Many times it flashes in front of my eyes..
Right here ..In all my years as a trader I have also come to accept that this is long overdue. We will be lucky to lose only 50% of value in the selloff that has come.
As I ponder the future
I feel a bit of relief as i recall selling the tops of some last remaining legacy stocks several months ago. Markets exited, disaster avoided..but have i really? Buying extra food for the pantry slowly but surely is the manifestation of a subconscious voice that tells me i cannot get far enough away from it. My guns are clean, family has been briefed many times over. Mark my words, " A collapse of the old system will challenge every fiber of every person in the world. There will be mass casualties and billions of hungry people, its unavoidable." If only more of my friends and people in the world would listen more to common sense, please look at all the signs...Europe is on the edge, there is where the trouble will likely begin, and already has really. Forgive me my mind is drifting, some say the best way to resolve an emotion is to put it in writing 😊. Derivatives are piling up worldwide, and believe me when i say that a self taught economist and currency trader , with little "formal " education into these topics, cautions you.
There is a glimmer of hope
Now im settling down, today i counted my airdrops, spoke with some persons about how to fix the EOS constitution, and looked at Bitcoin Cash and wondered why it went up 350% from 04.06 - 05.06 when the real bitcoin was being shorted into the dirt, wondered why so many are waiting for institutional money to come, while they have been sneaking in and out of the markets all year long (Yes, much more is coming) Etfs will provide the infastructure that crypto needed for getting big money in with alot less risk. So dont worry, its coming. Just ask CBOE what they are working on if you dont believe me 🤗. Its amazing how much thinking a simple brown couch can do for you if you seek some peace and quiet. I hope you all are listening, i hope i have raised some questions. If i have offended anyone, i hope it is the kind that makes you challenge the world and please dont kill the messenger, we are in short order these days 😇🤗
(If you want/need to learn more about Steemit always contact me :D You can find me on Telegram!)
Ah youre the best , Origo and Johan have been speaking to me of html, headers and code, all of which is not my native language at all. As far as steemit is concerned you are doing an amazing job with your posts and activity and i cannot wait to see what knolwegde you have about the platform will end up becoming part of my fledgling activities here 😊
:D LOL! Yes, it's a steep learning curve! You can use different 'condensers' too, not just Steemit, some condensers like steempeak.com and busy.org I can recommend to you and they are easier to edit in too. The condensers are simply alternatives to steemit.com but pull the same info out of the Steem blockchain, so all you write here or there is automatically cross-posted... everywhere :')
Try them out you might find one to your liking!
And yes, I'm working hard on my posts and growing here, spend the past 6 months basically breathing Steemit lol!
Hmmmm, intersting. I will look 😁😁
Maaaaan, yes, this is depressing, but I do know it's coming indeed. Just hope I'm ready financially, it has been hard for me the past 2 years because I was medically unable to work :-/ Crypto/Steemit has been my first income since than.
What is your idea about this: will the 'crash' mean people are going to HODL crypto because they are less vulnerable or are people going to panic sell all their crypto holdings because FIAT money is becoming so tight?!
Can go both ways, and I'm sometimes scared we're not ready for it and take our leap into full-on crypto especially during a FIAT-crash.
Hang in there, from what i have seen here, you have many valuable talents 😁. So hard to say, every bank and government in the world is active or have expressed interest in the blockchain. The secret is out, they are far less decentralized than many have hoped. The crash is a well planned one , at an elitist level. I think derivatives is a major catalyst, when the bubble pops. Deutsche bank is a major catylst. I cannot forsee yet any situatuon where the early adopters of crypto wont be in a major advantage point 🤗. The US dollar, as a reserve note will be abolished by many governments. The US has no alternative currency to fall back on. The dollar is it. The NYSE will selloff and freeze. Digital currency is already accepting the transition from fiat. Not to mention, but i will 😇 whatever major war is brewing will couple with and influence this major swing. As far as the trade deficit is concerned, they are pushing us to war with Asia over pennies basically in comparison to the real trade numbers. The clutch nations in the turmoil is Russia and Israel, watch for more big stories soon in mainstream about those 2. (Spoiler alert😁😇🤗) Totally manufactured crisis everywhere. More talk of nuclear power to dominate headlines too. I think we will see both people selling crypto profits or outright buying and selling with them, and many dumping fiat to join our party 😁. The profits from crytpo leverage our spending abilities way higher than trying to cling onto depreciating fiats, we have the high ground 😊
Well, I've been growing my crypto and lessening my FIAT bit by bit, so I indeed hope I'll have that advantage point just because of that! :D It's my guess anyway. But your story seems to confirm it.
Yes, crazy things going on and I must say it's hard for me to wrap my head around all of it. You seem informed and Steemit is an amazing platform to write about these things, so... :D
I don't want to wrap my head around it 😂. We have to to, because the head stuck in sand, well....that just leaves our arese exposed...I LOVE Steemit. Truth is, we dont really know what will happen. It looks this way.