The Peasant Report, No. 4

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

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Photo Credit: Motherboard

The Ass Eating Prophecy

I love cryptocurrency. The anonymity brings some of the most interesting people out of the dark corners of the web and provides us with amusing memes and stories that become legend. The meme associated with the prophecy of the ass eater (pictured above) is credited to Twitter user CryptoMessiah. Long story very short, Twitter user Romano who has almost 50,000 followers, exclaimed out of frustration with Bitcoin prices:

I'm so desperate right now, almost considering to lick @brennasparksxxx her ass until bitcoin pumps or until she's having a seizure. If she dies, she dies.

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At least he picked someone worth ass eating? Brenna Sparks is a cryptocurrency supporter who just happens to be an adult film star. A truly desperate man would have chosen the great Betty White or the very turtle-esque Mitch McConnell. Crypto, being the space for fast growing trends and outlandish jokes, has quickly latched onto this prophecy and now celebrate it as a second coming of sorts. Let the ass eating continue, if that means higher Bitcoin prices.

Blockchain in the Classroom

A report was posted yesterday on Coinbase's Medium account. They did a study of the world's top 50 universities and found that 42% (or 21) of them offer cryptocurrency or blockchain courses to their students. In the report, they found that NYU offered its first course in blockchain technology in 2014. I hope every one of those students were smart enough to buy Bitcoin then.

This is a great step for cryptocurrency. Integrating the knowledge of blockchain into educational systems leads to a more informed youth. As the youth matures into the majority, so will the knowledge, understanding, and lack of perceived risk of cryptocurrency. Currently, the unknown and the risk are the two primary reasons why people, even those interested in crypto, decide not to explore it or invest in it. Tackling both of those through established educational systems is great for the future of crypto.

Dash in Venezuela

If you are not aware of what is happening in Venezuela right now, take some time to read up on it. It is the scary side of centralized, fiat currency with a cryptocurrency twist. Things are so bad in the country right now, according to Business Insider, citizens are turning to the Dash cryptocurrency as a more stable store of value. That is quite the role reversal.

According to ComputerWorld Venezuela, Dash has been making inroads in the country for a couple years now. All of that work has now paid off huge for the cryptocurrency. According to the CEO Ryan Taylor, "We are seeing tens of thousands of wallet downloads from the country each month." Venezuela is now Dash's second biggest market. Beginning with only a handful of brick and mortar retailers in the country accepting Dash, now there almost 1,000 active and approximately 200 new retailers are joining the network per month.

Through this disaster of economic policy, Venezuela could become a country of the future with its adoption of cryptocurrency. Provided the government does not ruin it. Things are bad in Venezuela right now. There is no sugar coating it. But through this disaster, they could emerge as a leading example of mass adoption. Sometimes the strongest steel is forged in the hottest fire. When things turn around in this South American country, we may find the first nation-wide adoption of cryptocurrency on the same scale as we see credit cards today.