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RE: Altcoin / Poopcoin OVERNITE: Stratis & Burst

Good writeup!

Another unique thing about Stratis is that it will let people Anonymize their Bitcoin. Think about that...! Bitcoin is traceable, but sending it through a Stratis Tumblebit Masternode will make Bitcoin untraceable as much as Monero (some people argue more). It's not just a coin with privacy... it is THE coin that adds privacy TO Bitcoin :)


Has Stratis already adopted the Tumblebit Masternode, or is that coming in the future?
There are now a plethora of coins doing this exact thing, so hard to really get too excited about Stratis beyond the medium-term.

Post-Op analysis:

BURST: Our theoretical sell point is..... wait for it..... NOW! $0.0398
Can you believe it, we actually MADE MONEY during the 19 hours of what will be known as the Christmas Eve crypto-massacre. Our trade recommendation is UP (yes UP) 2%. By comparison, bitcoin is down between 15-20%, and just about every crypto is down 20-30%.

Stratis: it's down 30%, and we'd theoretically sell it now for the loss. Lesson learned? Not really, this trade lost because it occured on the great Xmas eve crypto massacre.

Until next one...

The Tumblebit masternode is in Alpha on the mainnet. They announced the full release to happen 'within days, not weeks'. So that is encouraging.

As for other projects that allow for Bitcoin tumbling (note: It is tumbling btc, as well as strat) I don't know of any that do that? Can you name a few so I can research it?
I know that a ton of coins offer privacy features, but I personally do not know of any _Bitcoin_tumbling services.

I also suspect that because the Stratis blockchain can tumble Bitcoins, there is a high chance that Stratis smart contracts will be able to store and handle BTC as well: in essence bringing smart contracts as well as corporate privacy, to Bitcoin, without having to switch to an alternative currency back and forth.

It's a very interesting point specifically on BITCOIN tumbling, and I do NOT know which cryptos are doing that. Most of what we'd call "dark coins" do tumbling for private transactions; namely, Monero, Zcash, Dash, PIVX. But to your point, not sure if these cryptos tumble bitcoins, only their OWN coins. Will have to research that as well.

Our poopcoin rec BURST is up 44% right now. Guess we should have recommended hanging in there longer.