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RE: Short-term Profits and Long-term Gains

Great points Luke and you touch on an issue that has always been a problem, trader vs investors. Whether it be an individual stock, or a currency, let's say Steem for example, traders always hinder the ability of an asset to find it's true market value. The pursuit of the "quick buck" will always be the primary goal for some. It's an addiction they can't seem to shake.

I no doubt feel it's a hindrance to the investor if they're not truly committed to hold for the long term. I've often thought what the true price of Steem should be if it wasn't used as a personal piggy bank by some whales and by some traders when Steem gets a little momentum going.

If an asset is not viewed as an asset, but just as a financial instrument, the volatility caused by traders can cause a significant amount of short term disturbance and harm to the price. Short term variance in price can make the most die hard investor's knees shake a bit and question his willingness to hold in the face of present losses. Unfortunately it's the world we live in today, but I do feel strongly that the ever increasing amount of traders do more harm than good in today's market place.


I'm really curious to see what will happen 5 years from now. Thankfully, this comment will be on the blockchain so I know I'll be able to refer back to it and find out. :)