
That is, I will not get anything? :(

At least not with this amount of Bitcoins… I’m sorry!

How about...I send my BTC to a wallet outside of coinbase, you claim it, and we split the Lumen? :-P I'm a NY state resident so can't officially participate. :-(

Sounds like a good idea, but I think we’re already too late with it. They just took a snapshot of the Bitcoin Blockchain to determine addresses that will participate in the giveaway… Good thought though! (although you should’ve only done it with someone you absolutely trust with your money – not with some stranger on Steem, like myself ;))

But if you think about it - since I'd have all the info to the wallet, like password, you would be the one to have to trust me to pay you LOL I would. Yes, any rando on the interwebs can say that, but I really would :-P

Was also 1/2 joking...though had you said yes, maybe I would have been serious about it :-P

Well, you would only know my public Bitcoin address in that case, nothing more. :) And the only two things you can do with my public address are: 1) to check my balance; 2) to send me money. No passwords and no secret keys involved.

You should be careful with your money and whom you trust on the Internet, friend! ;)

As my dad always said: I'm just yanking your chain ;-) In all seriousness - I need to get out of NY State. If it's fun and can make you money - you can be sure it's illegal in the Tax You To Death State!