Women and crypto currency? Where is there place?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Do women have a place in the world of crypto currency? This question, together with the answer in the affirmative, perhaps holds the highest promise, the surest guarantee for the future of crypto currency.

It is the norm, to judge, to contemplate the future of crypto currency in terms of a dual indicator, namely, its market leadership and secondly its market dips.

By market leadership, I am implying those times when crypto currency, especially bitcoin, its most famous iteration, trends at peak value.

During such times, we, its protagonists are quick to impulsively point to a rich future based, simply on the value surge of that point in time. That is when you hear trumpets of crypto currency is the future!

What we forget, or rather fail to recognize, during such times of peak value, is that with crypto currency, as with any form of exchange, its value cannot be, and is not, independent of the financial market economies and drivers, which keep fluctuating. It is also not independent of the political industry, itself constantly changing.

Crypto currencies’ (bitcoin) market leadership is therefore not a viable indicator, promise nor guarantee of a bright future, as it is bound to be disputed by market drivers.

On the other hand, by market dip, I mean the plunge that the value of crypto currency such as bitcoin has to routinely undergo.

During such times, the antagonists of crypto currency are quick to sound alarm bells, and to prophecy it’s down fall. That is when you hear of the bubble finally bursting kind of prophecies.

So overall, the guarantee of a bright crypto currency future is in my opinion, not to be entirely judged/contemplated in terms of its future, even if it should include it.

None of these, of course answers the question regarding the place of women, in so far as the future of crypto currency is concerned, but what it does do, is clarify, I hope, why we cannot base on crypto value alone to predict or doom its future.

So have women a place in crypto currency? Until now, certainly not as one would have wished.
Yes, women crypto currency investors and users, don’t only vary, but are yet estimated to only loiter between 1 and 5% or there about.

It is important to note that this small percentage follows from the larger issue of women being few in tech and finance, the intersection where crypto currency sits.

But then a question arises: will that always be the case? What if it won’t always be the case? It won’t, I should actually add! Does not the high population, in addition to the feminine attribute of enthusiasm, mean that the global women spread from both developed and developing countries is fertile ground that crypto currency is yet to exploit?

Granted, bitcoin, crypto currency’s most popular iteration has masculine rather than feminine root, but, if crypto currency be taken as the tree, it is increasingly safe to suggest that women are the branches, upon which crypto currency will come to find its future nourishment and sustenance!

One can only imagine that point in future, when the block chain technology and crypto currency has migrated from Europe and taken root in the developing worlds of Africa and Asia.

These are the most populated, but above all, the lands in which people demonstrate some of the highest sense of community, a feature upon which block chain platforms such as steemit, is premised. And again, a feature largely propagated by the female sex.

Now one of the biggest drawbacks for crypto currency is that it is not yet really understood, especially in the populous developing world. Women, I have to add, in no uncertain terms, have a very fundamental place in making crypto currency, the future.

Yes, for a start, women are better communicators. A confirmatory test, for all its worth, is steemit. You only have to read posts and follow commentaries to confirm the dexterous communication of whatever few women you come across.
In developing economies like Africa, a leading feature of womanhood is community and association, both social and financial.

Yes, women are to be found in groups, and making life through small and medium scale enterprises, Savings and Credit Co-operative (SACCO) and other community financial pools.

That makes their place a really big deal in the future of crypto currency.
Women may not currently dominate the crypto currency industry, but there is a better chance that in due time, the future of crypto currency will depend on their inclusion.


Hey there, @okusarobert!
What a wonderful read this is (not only because I'm female)... You have given a good overview of the current situation, about the strong and weak points of crypto currency and then you showed up how women can use their abilities to develop the industry into something greater for everyone.
I agree with you, that the system is not yet generally understood, not only in the "developing world", but also by the main streem here in Europe. I can't speak for everyone, of course, but most people I know don't even want to get to know more, because of some uncertain feeling they have.
And I have to say, it isn't easy getting into all of this, when you have low interest in the technical world...
So thank you very much for posting this :) Have a great day!