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RE: Bullish on PIVX with the upcoming release of zDEX the first private in-wallet decentralized exchange

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I don't know if you know how funny you can be! hahahhahahahahahaha

It's always a mystery, until someone laughs. :)

Good Post

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I like this your comments my boy you is real

Artboard-1-copy-2.jpg@isacoin @nonameslefttouse zDEX is making history

Maybe it will be , If/when it launch's you say there are "rumors" and it "means" that "probably" will lead to rise in price

FOMO based on nothing not even rationale speculation

rumors that zDEX will be released by the end of July this year mean that it will probably gain on Bitcoin when the market bounces.

@isacoin No baseless rumors

@isacoin No baseless rumors

Would they be factual rumors then?

@isacoin I personally believe them 90%

I agree totallly