Nowadays people have at least 10 different plastic cards that user for different service such as credit, debit or rewards loyalty. This is not at user-friendly since all of these cards need to carried with the user for transactions. In other hand Bitcoin (the pioneer cryptocurrency) has create a new segment for cryptocurrency and with Bitcoin there are thousands of new digital currency projects are introducing day by day. Due to development of technology and its higher volatile market cryptocurrency users are increasing day by day.
However all of these cryptocurrency users are facing a real issue when it comes to cryptocurrency to fiat currency transactions or the conversions in real life. The exchanging crypto to fiat it really annoying and painful to the users due to bad acceptance of cryptocurrency (digital currency) to fiat (real money). This is mainly due to nonacceptance of cryptocurrency or the digital currency in over the counter transactions. Even though if you have millions worth of digital currency but it’s not worth if you can’t use it for transactions in real life, due to this reason most of the new users who are willing to come on-board with cryptocurrency are taking a step backward.
The FuzeX Card
FuzeX card is a smart e-card that can store 30 credit, debit or reward cards with multi-cryptocurrency in a single card. This e-card contains magnetic strip and barcode as same as most of conventional plastic cards with the size and thickness to a standers debit card that contain EMV chip
Addition to above FuzeX has a dynamic magnetic strip with E-Paper Display (EPD) to view balances of all of the accounts stored in the card. EMV chip will helps POS system to identify stored card in this setup. FuzeX is enabled for Near Field Communication (NFC) for credit and debit card payments. The EPD can display QR code for cryptocurrency wallet address when it requires for transactions. Users can connect to FuzeX card using Bluetooth by FuzeX Wallet to update the card. The rechargeable battery can work between 45 to 60 days of usage.
The FuzeX card will work as a normal credit or debit card in the market and this helps users to carry only a single card and choose between 30 odd cards for transactions. In the same time Cryptocurrency users can use this smart card for transactions without taking their mobile phones out.
FuzeX Wallet
FuzeX Wallet is the hub for the FuzeX card and with wallet users can control the smart card. This wallet can be installed in any smart phones with IOS or Android operating System. With the FuzeX wallet users can send receive cryptocurrencies and manage their credit, debit or loyalty cards.
FuzeX Exchange
FuzeX Exchange is the core of FuzeX card that help to create cryptocurrency transactions in real life and same as any other credit or debit card work in a POS system. In this was merchants can receive fiat currencies as they currently receives from any other credit or debit cards, but the card holder will be using cryptocurrency for the payments and this exchange will convert the cryptocurrency in to FIAT in real-time according to the market rates.
FuzeX Transaction Flow
FuzeX setup
User needs to download FuzeX wallet and register with the service by filling relevant KYC details. When success user can order for a FuzeX Smart card. The fee for the smart card can be pay via FXT tokens (FuzeX own tokens, this will be explain later part of the article). After receiving the smart card users can transfer cryptocurrencies from their existing wallets to FuzeX wallet.
Users can switch between all the cards that are stored in the smart card with 3 input buttons. If user selected cryptocurrency wallet user can see the crypto balance respected to the selected the crypto and in the same time user can view the FIAT currency value using the FuzeX Exchange with real time exchange rates. By selecting the desired cryptocurrency user can pay via POS terminal of a merchant. The POS terminal will sends a request to the relevant issuer to verify the card details and authorize the payment via EMV. The FuzeX exchange will receive the request and authorize the relevant amount in FIAT with regards to the real-time exchange rates. With this method merchant will receive the FIAT currency as same as any other credit or debit card does in a POS system. The beauty is FuzeX card user can use his cryptocurrency to pay any services in real time.
FuzeX currently with its Beta Testing and as for the team they have completed the Beta testing successfully.
FuzeX Team
FuzeX has a strong team behind the project and all of C level team members has years of experience in blockchain technology and finance sector. Also the FuzeX project is backed with well-known cryptocurrency giants such as Chralie Sherem. It’s a strong team who is backing up the project and they wants to revolutionized the cryptocurrency payment system and fulfill the gap between cryptocurrency to fiat currency transaction and it will help to mass adoption to the digital currency space.
FXT Utility Token
The FuzeX has its own token as FXT token and the project has completed its ICO successfully in Q1 2018. The FXT tokens will be primarily use to pay the smart card fee when ordering the card. In the same time FXT will be used to pay the membership fee. When fully FuzeX ecosystem build FXT tokens will fill the gap between exchanged to partners with transferring cross network as an individual token or as a fee for the offering.
Token Metrics
Symbol | FXT |
Max Supply | 1Bn FXT Tokens |
Current Supply | 700Mn FXT Tokens |
Platform | Ethereum | ERC20 |
ICO | Completed in 2018 Q1 |
Trading Platforms
FuzeX has taken a step forward with the innovation of technology to fill the gap between cryptocurrency and fiat currency transactions. The FuzeX ecosystem will have the adoptability to cater the need of real time transaction in between these two modes. The digital currency space is highly volatile and millions of people are willing to get in to the digital currency if they have a good application of use in real life. My opinion on FuzeX project is FuzeX will be in top in this space with their technology and with their smart cart that can hold other cards.
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