As a kid in the 70's, both my separated parents bought homes in London on basic incomes. Now, I stand no chance at all with no less skill or resources than they had... and yes, I am a part of the choir here, putting all I can (such as it is) into crypto, albeit a late stage of the game in terms of life planning / property acquisition.
However, point I wanted to offer here was, after a recent trip to Slovenia, met several people of a similar standing to me, who not only owned their own property (certainly saw no signs of any homelessness) but most have a country place too and take plenty of time off to retreat into nature.
Seems that pressure to disband families and sell of properties is (inheritance tax!!!) not like it is (here in UK)
Best I could tell, a quality of life is retained in less capitalist consumer cultures, but I'm probably romanticising to an extent!??
I dont know much about Slovenia but sounds very positive. Here in Norway where I live, many have second homes too and there is no inheritance tax (which in my view is a pure swindle). People work only until 3pm and have 8 weeks paid holidays. Of course the reason why Norway is so rich is due to its oil. In a way, just as the US dollar was once backed but Gold, the Norwegian economy is (kind of ) back by the oil. It is not officially, but it works like that, When the price of oil is high then so is the value of the "krone". Of course this also has its drawbacks in that when the krone is high it makes it difficult to sell good abroad because they cost too much. Only Norwegian can afford to buy them. But as I said in a previous reply, the Norwegian Govt is looking into making its own crytpocurrency called "ecoin" - Most people I have talked to on the street dont want it or trust it. Thanks for the comment.Yes I understand you completely @ni9 - my daughter left London last year after living there for 10 years. She hd a great and well paid job but the rents kept going up and up until she could no longer afford to stay there, She bought a house in Yorkshire and is doing very well now. I think there is going to be a mass exodus in London over the next few years which very well trigger the housing bubble to burst. Without people to pay the rents who will pay the mortgages on the second homes and so people will start to sell and then BANG - apart from that this will also cause a shortage of workers in London.
Thanks for your further take. Interesting about Norway and the ecoin. That's pretty progressive and forward thinking of Norwegian gov. and no doubt will place them well in the coming economic revolution!!!
Incidentally, my people are from Sweden actually, not so very far from your lot ;)
On an unrelated tangent @arthuradamson, as a writer, with a bit of viking blood, have you read the potent little short titled Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned by Wells Tower!? (you can check it out on my blog if you like here