@jrcornel. A very concise and article. I must concur with pretty much all of what you have said. It is not often that we see a technology emerge that can revolutionize the world. I do not say this lightly. I think the problem Mr. Dimon has, which I did also, was that I was looking at this technology through the prism of Bitcoin solely. I was not au fait with blockchain and hence I too brushed it off as a fad that would disappear soon. I have learnt about blockchain. I suspect that Dimon has also learned about it. And you, if I read this article right, intimated that he is for blockchain, just not for bitcoin, which, as we all know will rob him of his bread and butter. My response to that is good.
I realize that all this hot air coming from him and other detractors stems from fear. If this is indeed a bubble then he should shut his mouth and let the bubble pop. What is even worst, we cannot have a situation, like what has happened in the past where, bankers create hysteria only to have investors, mainly small guys like myself, dump their assets only to has the big players like them gobble up the assets.
It must be quite frustrating to Dimon and his ilk that this cannot be done with BTC, simply because this technology is governed by the laws of mathematics and not by the whim and fancy of a handful of greedy bankers who play by a different rule.
@jrcornel. I am certain you have heard of the suit brought against him for market manipulation by a group of crypto investors recently. Initially, I had called for a petition to bring more pressure to bear on him, for allegedly buying BTC after the prices went down. I now would like to back track on that. Simply because I think this was a good thing. How so? More people are becoming aware of, not only the crypto world. They are learning about blockchain and what this technology can do and is doing. Hence, while many will be drawn to the game for a quick buck. The innovators see the revolutionary potential of this technology. At this point, I do not think it is a matter of whether or not BTC will survive. Whether or not is irrelevant. The fact is that other cryptos will spring up to undermine this present economic system. That is the power of the blockchain.
Again, thanks for this piece. It is quite accurate, and quite apt, and I am quite optimistic about what the future holds—one without the likes of Dimon wielding so much influence, if any at all.