KuCoin Exchange will be having its Blockchain Day 2019 soon at #Berlin, Germany this 11th Of November together with Akropolis, Algorand, Ocean Protocol, Cosmos and the Staking as a Service Berlin-Based firm, Chorus One.
Their Agendas will be:
17:00 - 18:30 Registration
18:40 - 18:55 How Exchanges Contribute to Blockchain Technology Innovation
18:55 - 19:10 Keynote speech from Akropolis
19:10 - 19: 25 Keynote speech from Cosmos
19:25 - 19:40 Keynote speech from Ocean Protocol
19:40 - 20:00 Break time and networking with food and drinks
20:00 - 20:15 Keynote from Algorand
20:15 - 21:00 Panel Discussion (The future of Staking as a Service): KuCoin, Chorus One, Akropolis, Cosmos
21:00 - Drinks and Networking
See this announcement for more Info and how you can book your seats!