CryptoCurrency Portfolio Template Version 2 for Google Sheets

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Here is CryptoCurrency Portfolio Template version 2 for Google Sheets:

Screen Shot 2018-02-08 at 8.20.45 PM.png

I also made a YouTube video on setup and adding new crypto:

Version 2 Updates:

  1. YouTube Video - Setup & Adding Crypto.
  2. Added 1h percent changes column. It’s hidden by default. You can show it by clicking arrows between column E and G.
  3. Added 3 columns (J,K,L) for marketcap, available supply & total supply. (hidden by default)
  4. Added “ETH” column and ETH gains calculator. (Do not delete Ethereum from the sheet for it to function properly)
  5. Added “Add” coin button. It will copy last row. You have to fill out the COIN ID and update crypto holdings.
  6. Added “Update” button. Don’t abuse it though.
  7. Added “Cash holdings” in AM13.
  8. Better UPDATE performance when you have a lot of cryptos(>30) : request top 100 coins and uses it as cache.

Here is the link to original steemit post and update post for version 1:

If you want to contribute:


항상 유용하게 쓰고 있습니다. 업데이트 버전 고맙습니다.

사용하면서 불편한 점 있으시면 알려주세요~

Hi Mix,

Thanks for the updated version. I have seen the script and there is nothing suspicious about it but I'm little concerned if there is any chance they get the access to our drive and spreadsheet as they can update their script anytime. To be on safe side I suggest not to store any personal details on this sheet and it's better to use a new Gmail account in which you have nothing to lose.
CryptoPrice.PNG View and Modify.PNG.
You are giving permission to CryptoPrice to view and manage your ALL your spreadsheets in google drive and also you are giving permissions to Create, Modify existing spreadsheets. Keeping this in mind it's better to create a new Gmail account separately for this spreadsheet. Hope this helps someone. Appreciate your response. Thanks! Cheers mate.

I believe when you make a copy, the script is also copied. So I don't think I can update the script after the sheet is copied. If I can change it after distributing it, it would be a big security threat to the users of the template. It's a good tip though. If you can read javascript, please read the code and see if there is no suspicious code.

Fantastic work @Mix1009. Adding and updating cryptos is a piece of cake. I've made a copy of the sheet and added some extra worksheets to make it a one stop shop for all my crypto strategies and notes, such as a worksheet to keep track of upcoming ICO's I'm invested in.

Could you share with else what you added?

Thank you very much for this amazing sheet.
In the history pages it doesn't add new coin and when I try to edit the code to help you to improve the spreadsheet, it apperas this sentence:
TypeError: Cannot call method "getRange" of undefined. (riga 176, file "Code")

Hi there!

I get an error on the Script Editor when choosing > Select Function > Update > Run ...

The error says the following:

Service invoked too many times for one day: urlfetch. (line 102, file "Code")

Line 102 of the file code contains:

var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);

What could be the issue?

What could be the solution?

I've already allowed permission for CryptoPrice.

See attached image for further detail.

Thanks for your help!

Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 7.51.11 PM.png

could you (please! :)) add a column with max price in btc&$ and divide that with current price (in btc/$) so that we get a multiplier (x times that the price need's to rise to ATH) it would be a nice tool to have to quickly pick which coins are attractive to buy(/which to sell)
i dont know how to program and i am now doing it "by hand" is so f?%=& up :)
if you could reply (if updated) or if i can "contract" you to do that for a few sat. ? :)
thank you

Needs a V3 for the new api v2 of Coin Market Cap, will you release it? Thanks for this while it worked

just figured out that there's V2 now. Love the new addings! Great work!

is it possible for V3 to add BTC total?
I added it in V1 so that I can see it in the history tab and create a chart

Thanks for you sharing your work!

A few minutes after adding new tokens to my copy, I get this message:

Request failed for returned code 429. Truncated server response: (html comment removed: [if lt IE 7]> <![endif]) (html comment removed: [if IE 7]> <html class="no-js ie7 oldie" lang="en... (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response).DetailsDismiss

Am I doing something wrong? now the sheet will not update.

Thanks again!)