One of the first things I tend to check when considering investing in a new coin is the circulating supply. Supply and demand is a very powerful force that can greatly affect the price of a coin. If something is more rare then it's simply worth more. Even if a coin is very popular it may be difficult for it to gain price traction if there's too many of said coin in circulation. Simply because there's more to go around. Bitcoin's circulating supply is under 17,000,000 coins. Now, let's compare that to something like Ripple with a circulating supply of 39,094,227,299! That's a huge number of coins, and while many people are very bullish on Ripple I simply dislike investing in coins with a supply that large. The supply is not done growing either. Their total supply will be 100,000,000,000! This means there's a lot more of these coins for someone to dump, and no need for any competition to acquire them.
Instead, I like to focus on coins that have a more finite supply. Let's take a look at DeepOnion. Their circulating supply is under 12,000,000 coins, and their max supply will only be 25,000,000. This is a much more attractive number to me. It adds scarcity to the coin. So, once the airdrops are complete the only way to get $Onions will be by staking (or mining), and so people will need to begin competing to buy up these coins to earn $Onions. In addition, their staking percentages will scale down over time so that you will stake less and less coins. While this seems a negative from an income perspective it's actually a positive, because the coins you have will be more valuable once less are being minted.
Aside from the staking income, and the increasing scarcity of the coins DeepOnion is also privacy focused which I believe will be very valuable in the next few years. While there are many privacy based coins there are not very many which are Proof Of Stake. This presents a unique opportunity to generate income via staking that is already protected. A feature that I think will accelerate the price of $Onions in the future. The team also has a lot of plans to start marketing DeepOnion more aggressively after the airdrop phase has completed in the next few weeks. Pair that with the fact that DeepOnion is currently on sale thanks to the big dip, and you have all the right elements for an excellent hodl opportunity. Plus, you can pick up some bonus interest in the form of stakes while you wait for your investment to mature.

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