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I appreciate you taking the time to reply. I think it's crystal clear I am just reaching out to gather people to begin building a business.
I'm really happy for you being so involved in so many projects, but honestly I'm more looking to gather together people willing to take a chance and put in the work to build out the idea from scratch. Why does it seem like you're trying to discredit me? I think when I say, "Sometimes, the best thing you can do is say FUCK IT, let's just try! That's what we are doing. Starting a conglomerate collective organization which will focus on strengthening the collective vision of the blockchain cryptocurrency industry and thus strengthen our market as a whole. We are starting small but our plans are big and we are looking for people who have ideas to contribute and that are willing to put the work in to see our vision become a reality. If you're interested in getting involved, please reach out to me through steemit chat or via my email at" It's really clear my idea is in the early phases and I'm looking for people to get started building from the ground up. Thanks for letting me know most people won't be interested until the hard part is over... I appreciate you looking to keep me grounded and can assure you I am well aware.

My apologies for reaching out to a community and not providing exactly what you're looking for. I really wish that people who might have been interested in contacting me, didn't have to see all of this since you know self fulfilling prophecy when you say many will not want to know more until... Guess what? The value of my post has already gone down. Really sorry it's not exactly what you're looking for. I hope next time you go to give criticism you might consider the channel on which you are communicating and how that may affect the thing or person being criticized. Blessings to you.


No apologies necessary. And there's no intention of discrediting you or the project - only constructive criticism. Your enthusiasm level is high and I get all the good intentions, though I've been through alot over the last 15 years so understand where you're coming from and some of the inherent weaknesses in the approach are.

I get your frustrations - and aren't going to try sugar-coat anything when I see they're likely to continue with the approach taken. It seems kinda like you've gotten offended because I haven't hopped on the positivity train off the bat - but your expectations are about as realistic as expecting to sleep with someone halfway through the first date. I don't mean that to put you down in any way - but offer honest, valuable feedback as otherwise you're likely to keep getting frustrated as running in high gear and wondering why no one wants to jump on the wagon before slowing down enough navigate the way through a gentler, paced relationship-building process.

There might indeed be a few people interested in starting from scratch - though you'll attract the right people the further you go in articulating the vision and details, versus such a broadly-sweeping general concept...

Meh this conversation is unproductive. I explained how I felt, private critiscism is professional.

as is transparency in discussions of a "collective" project in a forum where an idea is collectively being developed.

the degree of productivity is dependent on how the feedback is acted upon.

you wanted contribution to your idea - you got it. not in the form of unconditional positivity you wanted. but in honest, authentic, objective feedback. maybe I offered too much too soon when it wasn't asked for, so my bad.

OR on the flip side - it could be a challenge. and rather than getting defensive and shrugging it off, you could use the questions to stimulate an elaboration into the details missing from your first take to clear up the misunderstandings generating the feedback.

I really wish that people who might have been interested in contacting me, didn't have to see all of this since you know self fulfilling prophecy when you say many will not want to know more until... Guess what? The value of my post has already gone down.

If you're serious about this as a venture, there'd be no hesitation at having these questions laid out upfront. it'd be greater leverage for everyone involved to have such prerequisite conversations established in the open rather than attempting to juggle multiple of the same in private.

Re: the value of the post is my doing. I had initially upvoted at 100% to attempt giving a boost in attention (something I rarely do). after seeing it didn't do anything and receiving the impatient private response I did rather than a thoughtful elaboration validating the full voting power, I changed it to 50%. The further drop is because I was about to bump it back up to 100, but the site won't let me change it more than once apparently.

OKay well thanks for your half assed support. Appreciate it. Can you leave me alone? You're beating a dead horse, you have a job right and how many other projects. I said I'm DONE with the conversation. STOP MESSAGING ME.

I want you to comment, edit, add, subtract, to this and all of our documents, if I’ve asked you to look this over, my expectations are somewhat high for your involvement and that starts immediately if you are up to working on this collective vision together

Clearly VERY, unrealistically high, given the amount of time and energy I bothered to invest only lived up to "half-assed" in your eyes.

good luck with your idea. you'll need it, with your current strategy and communication approach. ✌️

p.s. apologies for the miscommunications generated through the split conversations between here and Facebook. had the entire dialogue been kept to one platform or another, there would have been less misunderstanding as parts of my comments here may seem out of context and confusing due to parts missing from the FB side.

And thank you for the wealth of lessons. 😊🙏🙏:-)