Poopcoins on the Crap-chain: Why Our Industry Still Ain't Worth Shit

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Lost in a Shit Abyss

This industry will drive you into the black. LOL.

I have to take a step back most days and remind myself that I’ve only been actively interested in cryptocurrency for the past four months. Daily in planning my startup or trying to wrap my mind around applying basic business models and methods to the block-chain industry, I have to stop and remind myself of the economic state of the world. It’s easy to get impatient and fed up with trying to understand and plan out a successful blockchain/cryptocurrency industry venture.

After being on the team of a fairly serious cryptocurrency endeavor over the summer of 2017 and now, looking for new opportunities within the block-chain industry, I've noticed an awfully strange trend. Either we have lost sight, if not totally abandoned, our initial vision or, perhaps, something more sinister is working to keep us from achieving our collective goals. Ultimately, when we are honest with ourselves the cryptocurrency and block-chain market industries are failing tremendously. I hope this blog post can help explain our industry’s failure, and serve as the starting point for a new conversation among professionals in the cryptocurrency block-chain market industry.

It’s easy to get discouraged when planning and the process of mastery drags on and on and on. It’s easy to be dissatisfied with seemingly incoherent notes scattered across the internet, the floor-- in my dresser, on my desk, in my purse, in the livingroom--and hard not to feel like a lunatic or like you’re wasting your time. But what was the desk of many so-called geniuses? To be a part of our industry, to be a foundational platform and resource for the industry is certainly a genius endeavor. Albeit, a long and winding road.

Developing true solutions involves a multi-faceted understanding of the environment and factors causing issues, when the endeavor is complex the solution is even more-so. The process is complicated and messy but it requires all hands on deck. If you plan to take part, contribute! From start to finish.

"When You Plant Shit Seeds, You Get Shit Weeds"

Cryptocurrencies and block-chain professionals that refuse to do the grunt work in making our industry an alternative to current economic systems, but want to leech money off of communities and projects by setting high standards with no accountability or follow-through are a poison. planting half-assed shitty seeds, grow half-assed shitty weeds. And, that’s exactly what I see when I look at coin market caps or see cryptocurrency start ups begging for funding through ICOs and by traditionally capitalist (failed) means. It’s exactly what I see when cryptocurrency websites list the technical features and mining/development information BEFORE they explain who they are, what they do, and why we should give a shit. When I ask you why your coin is valuable, and you show me a fiat evaluation? If you can't explain how you work to create value outside of the status-quo, I will never invest. Neither will anybody else who’s not trying to get rich quick….

What You've Got There, My Friend, is A Shitcoin...

AKA: Digital Fiat

Cryptocurrencies and block-chain professionals that refuse to do the grunt work in making our industry an alternative to current economic systems, but want to leech money off of communities and projects by setting high standards with no accountability or follow-through are a poison. Planting half-assed shitty seeds, grow half-assed shitty weeds. And, that’s exactly what I see when I look at coin market caps or see cryptocurrency start ups begging for funding through ICOs and by traditionally capitalist (failed) means. It’s exactly what I see when cryptocurrency websites list the technical features and mining/development information BEFORE they explain who they are, what they do, and why we should give a shit. When I ask you why your coin is valuable, and you show me a fiat evaluation? If you can't explain how you work to create value outside of the status-quo, I will never invest. Neither will anybody else who’s not trying to get rich quick….

Organizations and innovative industries claiming to change the world or make life better have all failed to do so by traditional VC or capitalist economic schemes, scams, and cons. When your profits are marked by numbers next to a dollar sign. When you fail to create new means to measure wealth or value, you fall outside of the true scope of our industry (in my opinion). Our industry as a whole seems to be in a stagnant state of shock and failure. It’s no longer clear what exactly blockchain or cryptocurrency organizations are really aiming to achieve other than making a quick buck by any means necessary--which, defeats the purpose... right?

Though, it seems we have placed low priorities on collaboration, ideation, or communal engagement, it is still central to the success of our industry and thus, our individual organizational successes as well.

What do you think? What will it take for us to repair the damage done in our industry and recover from our visionary lapse? How do you think we should best go about achieving cryptocurrency mass adoption and acceptance? As always, feel free to share your ideas and provide constructive feedback.

Be sure to look out for my next post to follow: The Alchemist, Turning Shit into Gold. Where I will discuss possible solutions and methods to repair our industry and collaborate rather than compete with each other to achieve shared goals in our industry as well as in external market industries