This is not a shill -

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago
I'm sure I'm not alone on the idea that google seems to have too much power today. No doubt they have brought a lot of amazing technology to the world, and no doubt they will continue to do so. But the fact that searching for something on the internet is the same as googlin or worse, new generations don't understand search engine, but they know about google, should be something to worry us a bit.

So today, I had a friend show me this little project: - The idea is simple, they are trying to create an organic search engine that cannot be manipulated by money. The most searched content should be the one that is easy to find, and of course we know that google tends to hide some things as well. So it's easy to see why this might be appealing.

Now, the link I've shared does work as a referral, I want to make that absolutely clear, but to my understanding there is no money to be made at the moment. We are still on the very early stages. This could either take off, become something amazing or it could flop. However, the amount of effort one has to put to participate and "mine" the token arguably none.

How many time a day do you search for things on the Google Machine? - Today since I installed this little chrome extension (as it works currently), I've counted 49 searches. On a busy day, one of those that I'm deep on some rabbit hole of knowledge I don't want to remain hidden from me, I'm sure that numbers triples easily. If I was to get paid for doing what I'm already doing, that sounds like a megawin. And that... Is exactly what this token is proposing. Every time you search for something you mine a little bit of Presearch.

This is one of those set it and forget it kind of deals. At least that's how I'm going to treat it going forward. If the token takes off, and all of the sudden I can buy a ticket to go visit family in a year for "free". The experiment would have been a success. However, if it fails, I won't be bothered in the slightest.

They have a cool short video explaining it in general terms, but I would encourage those who like me, love reading all the details about these ideas to extract the value from them. Ideas are valuable after all.

Almost forgot to mention, they are not brand brand new. Actually, this article is dated October last year. This means that so far, its been moving forward. And you could say any project who has survived the bear market so far is probably doing something right.

I sincerely like their Token distribution quite a bit. To me, this is the first sign a of a healthy project. When I see Tokens with the developers holding 50% of the stake, I'm always a little hesitant, even though some projects haven proven me wrong. Let's say, its not a good indicator normally.

As with many things time will tell. However risk here is virtually nonexistent. Unless you decided to purchase tokens and HODL which of course I would say to you. Please do some solid D&D before you get all lamboish on this. The chances of a new project taking down google are quite slim.

In any case, I'm having fun watching the token number go up. Even if they are just magical poof poof money in a few months or years. It seems to be credited real time, every time you do a search. Actually this made me think of an exploit for it. Yes, I just went there. I hope they thought about a it.... I should do some research, but not tonight.

Anyways... Good night my friends (its 2am here)

Other posts by yours truly

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• Time to clean house


Ahhhhh — you’re welcome, my beautiful friend. I had a feeling you’d appreciate this one. Makes me smile to see you respond so well to it. 😘 I’ve lost count how many searches I’ve already logged. It’s certainly showing me how often I search for things online! 🤣

Nice sharing friend

You seem friendly. But know that spammy comments like this won't get you anywhere.

Tell me please. What's the plan? You think I believe you read or even care. Not that you have to, you don't...

But please, break down what you think is going to happen. I'm curious... (don't worry Im not upset) I wanna have this conversation.

I have no special plan just learning cryptocurrency n blockchain

I get that much, but why make comments?

good typing my friend @meno

ohhh wow... f4f?

I am looking for L4L...

already have 370 followers...

I'm about 2 months in. It's good.
Google has been acting like a monopoly for way too long.

oh awesome... they seem to be tradable on - Have you sold any?

No, I'm always looking to diversify, so I'd probably be looking to buy some tbh.

btw matt... I'm pulling a Matt at the moment. Getting my SP to work for me. I figured if I wanna whale up to be able to do more. I need to be copying an investor behavior.

Its incredibly hard to help people with small SP. So I'm in full accumulation beast mode atm. Granted accumulating 400 Steem or so in two weeks is a feat for a little account like mine. But I'm shooting for 8kSP before the market recovers.

Can I do it? - HELLZ YEAH..

Drinks 10 raw eggs

Nice. Attack it like it just ran over your cat.
There are so many airdrops, SMTs and delegation options on the way.
Five years from now you'll be buying stuff with upvotes and won't even need money :)

@meno presearch is amazing project .. and it gives us chance tk make money also.

I test it now and it's funny that presearch doesn't have it's own index information. Its redirect search to google as default.

What I understand its that its collecting the info atm... not entirely sure.

Yes google is the default, you can change that by dragging the p_ to the first position.

I´ven using Preseach for a while is the best and also pays.


I believe in the Trinity of the Blockchain.

whats the third icon?

It is Brave, a Explorer that pays contents creators.
Like YouTubers or pages with its own domain.

I should know.. I just made a video about trying it out...

you like it?

It is awesome because there is no ADS , all pages looks so diferent than Chrome, and the others internet explorers.

and they pay back in crypto tokens ?

any metrics on how many token per hour of browsing or something like that?

You claim 15 BAT tokens and you selecte the sites you want to pay.

Here is the Basic Attention Token info.

Just more 200 PRE

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