This is your chance to start thinking RETIREMENT.
One of the magical things that BLOCKCHAIN brought with, is the opportunity to free yourself from the current system that is governing our lives.
In the ERA BLOCKCHAIN we are able to see with our naked eyes, everything that incarcerates our minds and stops our intellect from delivering its best without us realizing it, IS NO MORE.
We can see clearly the purpose of TAXATION, of INDOCTRINATION, of RELIGION, of CORPORATIONS using the best of the human psychology to keep us spending our money following concepts that give us the wrong perception of success and somehow makes us all feel important.
We are slaves to our own wrong idea of what we need. We think that we have to have a job. Many of us think that we have to have a boss because "everybody has a boss". A great percentage of us think that "we need to be controlled in our work area" and almost EVERYONE is satisfied with living this way.
What if I tell you that there is a way out thanks to CRYPTOCURRENCY?
What if I tell you that with very, very little money you can buy into a MASTER NODE, SMART NODE or a NODE that can pay you BIG by just owning one of them?
There are many, many coins that offer this benefit
Here are just a few of them:
and if you need a more EXTENSIVE list, please click on the link below:
Your homework is to study of all them and find the way to buy one. NOTE that I am not recommending you a particular one and I believe that you are capable to do your own due diligence before investing.
If you don't have enough funds, you can work collectively with family and friends to buy one and share the monthly gains, the idea is to start getting truly involved with the opportunity that THE BLOCKCHAIN is presenting to you through CRYPTOCURRENCY.
I'm locked with SMARTCASH, you won't see it on the charts because is fairly new. Here is a link to their website if you want to find out more about their SMART NODES that are actually going to start giving returns in the next day or two.
Crazy ah?
So what are you going to be doing when a robot takes your place at the law office, the hospital, the tech department, the dental office, the restaurant, etc, etc.
(Image courtesy of
I was showing a little concern while having a conversation with my wife about an article of how robots are going to take our jobs sooner than we think ( to what she replied, "...Great!, humans are not here on earth to work anyway. We have the necessary technology to have robots do EVERYTHING for us..."
Cryptocurrency happens to be the solution to that.
Give it a chance, study hard, make a wise decision about the coin that you're going to be investing your money in; which Master Node you're going to acquire, consult it with your spouse, etc, etc.
Just don't take too long. I hope I'll see you somewhere in the CARIBEANS or some other place on EARTH.
All other images and animation are part of GOOGLE.
thanks for this informative post. Visit my profile
thanks for this information post.
Thanks for checking it out
Don’t be afraid to vote 😊
sure #upvoted
i have gotten to about 7k smartcash now... just need the extra 3 and then my smartnode is coming as well
hopefully early enough to take advantage of the high return because if you look at the returns of the other nodes I cannot see the high returns being permanent
Great point. Good luck brother
very good job. and thank you for the information. I always follow you. @melip
Thanks for information and i always follow you
Excelente. Gracias por esto @melip
i am ok with this. and I also feel the slaves of those who boss. and please advice from you how we can reach the safe point and no longer be a slave ..?
Right now, with SmartCash being $0.61, one half of a Bitcoin can buy you 10,000 SmartCash which it is considered a SMART NODE. When you set it up through instructions posted on their website, you’ll receive an average of $1,500 per month just for having a Smart Node running at their network.
I can only talk about SmartCash because those nodes are the only ones I own. Please do your own research before investing.
yes @melip ... is there a link so i can join smartcash. please help fold.
Right above the robot picture lol
very useful information for me. thanks for the information. great job. @melip
I used to think it was a scam through online, I was afraid to try it, I strongly believe in your post, and I will try it in the near future.
thank you, this is a very good explanation and information @melip
Its a very important news for all, thnx for post it
good post @melip. I think it's a good solution to consider
This very good news update about cryptocurrency.It is very informative and educative valuable.You have included more detail about all currency update.Very good video presenting
This is very helpful for us.Thank you very much
The news is very useful and very useful.
Thank @melip for sharing
extraordinary and helpful post I hope you always succeed @melip
well information i like it ..... thanks for shareing
cryptocurrency makes everyone smile. all believe in what was once thought impossible. I am one of them.
I have a dream to be able to explore the world. thanks to cryptocurrency I am increasingly believing in that dream @melip
On a stock exchange sell this coin!?
Which coin?
Wow...Great info bro...keep it up 💜
Muchas gracias por la bienvenida que me dio, ahora paso yo por aquí apoyando, el mejor de los éxitos. saludos @melip
its awesome information