Hello Steemit!
This is my first trading update to the "Altcoin trading community project" I started. Here is my initial post about what the project is ment to be.
Trade 2 - 24 June 2017
This is only a very minimal update. I had some BTC left and I thought I could invest them in a cheap coin rather than just have them sit in my wallet.
Why I bought
Siacoin: This is a highly speculative invest. I read latest news and searched for cheap coins to invest in and siacoin was popping up all the time. Because it is very very little money I had to spend I thought I jsut take the risk. I wouldn't have done it if I had more money to spend.
Current balance
As you can see I spent only 0.00065 BTC on Siacoins but if you look at the balance off all my owned coins Siacoins are on top. While I don't expect much gain from them they still could turn out to be quite profitable.
I'll keep you updated :)
~ Martin (mdev)