The Coinfirm partnership is being completely misrepresented here. Partnering with Coinfirm has nothing to do with "producing KYC/AML into the blockchain". Nothing in Dash's software is being changed to pander to Coinfirm in any way. Every transparent blockchain can be analyzed by anyone. The privacy feature PrivateSend remains entirely unaffected by a 3rd party doing blockchain analysis. Dash is merely being proactive on something that will eventually happen to every successful cryptocurrency.
Oh and PIVX has a strongly centralized distribution
Come on, the Instamine Saga is getting old, the trolls need some new legend :-)
All jokes aside, thanks for the clarification. Strange to see an industry legend like Trace spreading those rumours. Maybe his "sell Dash, buy PIVX" trade did not work how he was hoping so far ;-)
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