We're back with part 7 of 10! I didn't get this out yesterday as I had a big announcement to make instead.
The Digital Time Capsule project is a labor of love where I filtered through over 25k of my tweets to find some old favorites about bitcoin. I took screenshots and organized them for your enjoyment using Twitter Advanced Search for bitcoin from my account in 2013.
This will be a series, mostly one month of tweets per post. Searching for and organizing the tweets for all of 2013 took more time than I anticipated, but I hope you will find it worth it and these insights from the past will help you better understand the present and the future. Experience and expertise are only gained through time, and time is our most valuable, non-renewable resource. I hope you enjoy this series and appreciate the time represented here.
Who Cares?
Good question.
I think these tweets are helpful to others because I first bought bitcoin in January of 2013. I paid $50 for 2.5 BTC. Since day one, I've been passionately involved in learning about and educating people on what cryptocurrency is and why I think it's going to change the world. Relatively few people were involved in Bitcoin in 2013, so few people understand what it was like to experience it back then. I want to share my experience with you because I think you'll gain a bit of experiencial knowledge which may give you important context for today.
As this series progresses, you may recognize similar themes from back then, over five years ago, to now. China banning bitcoin, the dangers of keeping your bitcoin on an exchange (ex: MtGox), price volatility, holding and not selling, and the failures of the current financial system. You can click on each tweet to view the original.
I hope you find it useful.
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter, you can do so at @lukestokes.
August 2013

Tweets from September 2013 are now live!
Full Series:
- January/February 2013
- March 2013
- April 2013
- May 2013
- June 2013
- July 2013
- August 2013
- September/October 2013
- November 2013
- December 2013
original image source licensed under CC0 Creative Commons
Luke Stokes is a father, husband, programmer, STEEM witness, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit UnderstandingBlockchainFreedom.com

If only I did not ignore those ads before and fishy posts in social media, I would be a millionaire by now. Too bad for us skeptics isn't it? Should we do the same mistake again now that the Bitcoin price is down?
Hahah. Skepticism is fine, just follow it up with actual research. Everyone who really understands this stuff did their own research so don't take my advice or perspective on where things will go from here. You have to do the hard work and figure it out.
'Bloomburg starts tracking bitcoin' - priceless.
I am sure when they started they wouldn't have guessed that this was going to go to 20000 in a few years.
Man I really do look forward to read this epic time travel series everytime. Amazing.
I'm really glad you enjoy it so much. :)
"no financial institution lock-in" - @lukestokes
Decentralization at its best!
We've still got a long way to go, but we'll get there eventually.
this great story I appreciate your bitcoin thanks for sharing this crypto currency news.. best of luck..
Hey @lukestokes Jeff Jagoe said you'd be a good person to connect with and that you're from the Nashville area as well.
Okay. Yes, I'm here in Nashville.
You are great dear
all the best
Great!, I believe this is how I'll be sharing my posts about Steemit in a few years time.
this year for neo
According to prediction bitcoin will touch 50000$ in Dec 2018.
And predictions have been horribly wrong in the past, so no one really knows.
steady, this is good information.
here i can learn more about btc.
thank you very much @lukestokes
its great job,,thanks for share
good work....by the way if you visit my page and see my Market reports, you will NOT be disappointed.,.thanks
You were right. I enjoyed it.
You're a real crypto warrior, in for the right reasons Luke! Love seeing this! Crypto is the future, for better world! Resteemed!