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In 1933 the US government issued an executive order that made holding gold by US citizens illegal. They were ordered on threat of imprisonment to hand over all gold coin, gold bars and gold in all its forms, including paper gold.


Come to South Africa. The government here wouldn't be able to enforce a ban in a zillion years.

nice knowledge.

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@eduskillsnow: This comment is for your benefit so you don't find others downvoting or flagging you.

I have noticed that you have made a number of very short comments on other blogs, which are similar in style to the one above. They don’t really add anything to the discussion of the topic.

Please help keep Steemit free of spam posts.

If you like a post, it is generally sufficient to upvote it unless you want to join in the debate. (Despite your "nice" comment, you failed to upvote me).

Short comments like “awesome”, “nice post” “amazing post” or “really helpful” are generally not seen as part of the debate on the topic ,and if repeated across multiple posts, may be interpreted as spam.

Asking other people to upvote or follow you is also counter-productive and irritating. They may downvote, mute, or flag you.

Downvotes or flags can lower your reputation, can result in the removal of rewards, and may result in your posts not being seen by others.

Don’t worry, I haven’t flagged or downvoted you. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you were genuinely trying to encourage the poster. An upvote would have been sufficient.

I never reward short comments.

I often reward intelligent comments. I have a lot of Steempower. An upvote from me is worth hundreds of times a normal upvote. I hope I can reward you for intelligent and thought provoking posts in the future.

You did the right thing and now you get 19 cents and his shit comment "follow me" gets flagged and hidden! It was at $0.00 anyway so i dont feel bad at all flagging that shit! Its important we just start flagging any offenders because they cant be allowed to make one fucking cent of bad behavior... and we all agree that saying "follow me" is fucking BAD behavior, like a dog pissing on your carpet, we all agree that its BAD and we say "BAD DOG" and make the dog stay outside for the rest of the week! I am tired of these people making money being shitty people on steemit and the time of assholes profiting off of our network while contributing Nothing is OVER

h and the other side of the coin makes me just as mad! The time when 1 whale can flag a Post which 100s of other people upvote, including other dolphins and whales nd many minnows, its disgusting! I am talking about the many cases where 100s of people try to upvote someones post and a bitter whale for no good valid flaggable reason just flags and post because they disagree and they just end up making everyone angry whatever tho, we just have to buy more steempower!

We all need more steempower but steem needs to perform as a token for moe of us to want to invest! bitcoin is outperforming steem now and its sad, i want steem to do better, but it is all of our faults for powering down... we should all be never powering down...

With bitcoin being on a roll, it’s understandable that other cryptos, including steem are losing ground. If we can clean up steem from the spam, it will draw the FB bloggers and they will want to own steem. Prices will the rise as fast as the community grows.

the spam wil be drowned by god content, we will have supr bloggers coming, people from FB instagram reddit who have millions of followers
also we will have super stars like Alex jones bringing his whole infowars system to steemit and bringing millions fo fans over to signup and buy stake! if alex jones tells his fans that Steem is the new replacement to facebok and youtube then we will get millions of new users almost overnight... after next hardfork and new account registration bottleneck is lifted and millions can signup without delay we will see steemit grow like weve never seen before and steem price will start rising and rising and we will feel dumb for not having bought MORE steem Now when it was under $1 !

I'm new to steemit and found your comment really helpful as far as what not to do ... when it comes to commenting especially...thank you @swissclive

Thats too much work. I would rather launder my money and hold it on paper wallets.

If any government banned bitcoin I'm sure many would panic sell but I would completely ignore the law in that situation. There's no way for any government to know who has bitcoin and unless your a very scared person I don't think anyone should be worried about. I know many people are terrified of breaking any laws though so yes many would just follow the governments rules like sheep.

Well, I'm not a person who follows the rules blindly.... But I prefer to always follow rules unless I see something better in not following them (or at least no-harm).... The thing is, most rules are made to make the society more stable... That in itself might be a good or bad thing.. but I've seen what "freedom" can do to society and now I prefer "hard rules" than "easy ones".... stable to society is bad for few of people, but unstable society is toxic to everyone.

I'd agree with you, and if my country banned Crypto I'll probably do the same to you.

I just wanted to mention that there are people who follow rules they don't like because it will be more harmful to society if they didn't.

(and there are people who'd say "screw society" but those are another story...)

You can always politely ask Bernie Sanders to take you in at one of the three houses he bought when he sold his soul to Hillary...

@cryptoeagle I believe the crypto world in unstopable, their is no such government or bank who can stop this revolution. @gold84

Lolz. why don't you do that too ahahahah.

Haha Hillary collects the souls of old socialists, too? I had always suspected she drank the blood of young virgins on a full moon just before she sacrificed them into a volcano, but now this! lol

I just found an old wallet with .25 bitcoin in it!!! Nice way to start my day ;)

I used to have lots of wallets for LTC, DOGE, BCN and accounts of exchanges. I have found around 0.4 LTC in last few months, I wish I could have some BTC though :)

It was on an old hard drive from an old dual core pc I hadn't used in 2 years. Recently I resurrected it to build another mining rig and when I booted it I found an old wallet I had forgotten about. Its a nice find right before the forks coming ;)

How do you do that????

wow, aren't you lucky?

Yes, luck is on my side today ;)

It's funny how forgetting your money for months can be a good thing!! happened to me too... but I knew where the wallet was, just not that it had 0.010 BTC in it.

I think you are naive, it doesn't matter what the public thinks or how much we vote, we can't make change like that. The only way we can make change is by adopting the systems we think are correct regardless of what regulators say, rejecting the systems we don't agree with regardless of what regulators say. Nobody wants to be a marthyr but they can't kill all of us and we are not harming anyone. If you run they can just as easily call you a criminal, why run if you have done nothing wrong? That's what they will say.

I don't mean to offend you, but that's immature thinking.

Legal cryptocurrencies are limited cryptocurrencies which defeat the purpose of them, making the middle man obsolete, or don't we care about that anymore?

Seems all you want is money...

One good thing about America is they can't ban it here. Software has been deemed speech as code is a form of language. Free Speech!!

Wow really? Never heard that before. That's awesome!

There was a court hearing in the 90's when a programmer released his version of a program to encrypt files and the government was worried about their military files being unencrypted. They wanted to ban his program. He took them to court arguing that software is language protected by free speech. The courts agreed.

Yup, and then he got a tax audit.

The next time he wrote a program, he didn’t put his name on it.

Today he is richer than Bill Gates, and he’s known to you and I as Satoshi Nakamoto.

That would be pimp if it were true.

You don't know the name of that case by chance do you? If not, no worries. I'll try Google.

Moving country seems a little bit far, How would the government know you own bitcoin, cheers mike

I think the real worry will be in/from the USA which still has the ability to inflict harm to millions world wide through its military. I can see that if the USD, which is leaking equity due to the insane inflationary policies of the Federal Reserve, reaches the point where "the full faith and credit of the United States Govt" starts to ring hollow, then there will be those in the military who might not be above using drone strikes to take out "bitcoin terrorists". Of course, they should just look in the mirror to identify the real terrorists.

Unfortunately I have to take care of my father in this country (USA). Bush 43 already stole social security for the Iraq war and stuck a big IOU in the social security trust fund. So because of this, I've invested in bitcoin and other crypto as my social security insurance. The government parasites mishandling the economy has forced me into this position. It's not one that I wanted to take but if they force it, I will be forced to fight if my father still lives.

Why would you stay in the States? If you have to take care of your dad, why not move elsewhere and do it? We're often tricked into thinking that we in the West have the best healthcare. We have the most pharmaceuticals and poisons yes, but for overall health, I'll question that.
Just a thought.

Because he won't move. He was born in this house and it has been in the family since before the civil war. Our family name (Manwaring) is even the name of the road.

Understood. Good on you for standing with him then. Family is key.

A lot of businessman are moving their wealth out using bitcoin! bitcoin - and its unique underlying technology - have crossed a threshold of respectability, even as problems remain.

use vpn, it's the solution !

If just one Country were to block bitcoin. Then this wouldn't be much of a problem. With a country Like England banning the currency. It would probably dip. But would recover.

Isn't the whole point of most crypto that its decentralized and difficult to nail you down. Go ahead and ban it...prove I have it, prove I am using it. As others have stated use a VPN, and be good to go.

I guess selling might become difficult, but if you trade below the large reportable amounts how are they going to catch you.

I get you say you dont want to be a criminal or whatever so thats why you would leave, but really why?

Lets face it our gov got more issues to deal with atm! (brexit is a hot mess) Boris Johnson for PM, i feel he'd humor us!

Hey Louis, I really enjoy listening to your well thought out points of view. I've been watching your youtube vids for a while. I just discovered Steemit not too long ago, so now I will follow you on Steemit. Keep up the good vids.

Well, ​the thing is that every1 at the begging want to be tough. But the thing is that the will of the market will bend all causes and all plans. If you and​d many other british ppl have already invested in crypto want be an issue for the goverment.

nice video dude !

Just come and live in Australia!! Our Government are adopting very good regulation of cryptocurrencies!!

There are so many interesting posts in steemit. Read well.

I think that's a solid plan should it come down to it. While very important Bitcoin, is just a form of "money" and definitely not worth your life or liberty!

Nice steemit plug in there too!

I would go mental and through profanities at everyone in the government, then calm down and have a tart and go back to my daily routine.

Hmm, that's a tough question oh, but like you said there are many options. Though I can't even think that way

oui merci a vous pour les information de @bakabou159704


I do not think so the British Government passed that type of law ever ..

england is a great nation that has accepted bitcoin from its first day , especially people of this country , i don't think that they will banne bitcoin in england because there a huge industry behind bitcoin in england

And why the hell they will banne the bitcoin ??

Bit Coin is the future so it will never leave the UK

Nice post

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I think Bitcoin is going to be cause of new world order.

This is the only thing that will stop crypto in my eyes at this point...
What an amazing revolution to be a part of!

You can simply say good bye to Britain.

I like your post but you are using terminology of banning of Bitcoin and other crypto currencies. In my view and given the technology used for these currencies as opposed to Fiat currencies, means it is next to impossible to stop without effecting other vital transactions some by banks themselves, that use the same medium ie Peer 2 Peer (p2p). Crypto currencies require no banks at all they can function with wallet(s) alone the only reason we need banks is so we are able to purchase goods and services with an alternate currency but only because the outlet does not support the crypto currency or vendor has no knowledge of it use.

Bitcoin and other crypto currencies bridge any border of any country, you can take some or all of your wealth with you, you don't even need to declare it when leaving your home or resident country to customs.

As such even if a ban was in place it could not stop the crypto currencies, well certainly not Bitcoin, in the fashion that funds for goods and services can be transaction-ed using a client wallet(s). They could stop people exchanging Bitcoins for Fiats or vice versa, but again as it stands at the moment and the huge profits that can be made on Bitcoin at least, reputable currency markets are already trading in Bitcoin and maybe other crypto's as well.

Summing up and in my unqualified opinion it is a bit early to tell but every time such a ban takes place or there's run of some sought on the banks people requesting their own money from there banks, the value of such crypto's just increase all the more. The over riding factor about Bitcoin in particular is that as a currency it is near impossible to fake transactions, it is after all a military-grade cryptography to secure transactions.

Nice video

China government has learnt better that they can’t just outright banned ICOs and restrict crypto currency trading on their exchanges. I’m sure they will be legalizing them after implementing some restrictions and regulations. It will be the same for any other governments in the world.

Move to Ghana west Africa we will be happy to have you.

follow bit coin world millionaire new votes to my comment and follow me I devvert the same thing @hendeantoima cumple

One of the best post very well explained.

Really liked to listen to your opinion, you look at the subject very objectively. Anyway I think it is impossible to enforce a prohibition on owning bitcoin. To buy and sell you might simply travel to a crypto-friendly country and do it legally in an over-the-counter transaction. Of course this is true only if you see bitcoin as a store-of-value as I do.

This is the real issue because the governments are the only one able to block it.
But some people says btc is issued by the USA government so it won't be stopped and as you says the more people hear and know about btc the more it will be popular an less a bubble .
Let's Jamie diamon be wrong.

Is it a possibility?

I wouldn't put it past Mrs. May. I think she wanted to ban all encryption at one point!

I would just go on holiday every time I want to do any crypto stuff :)

I would just go on holiday every time I want to do any crypto stuff :)

Many big comapanies and many big rich people are into crypto-currency as well ..i dont think any government can ban bitcoin ..but if at all they ban it ,that can not be in the whole world..moving to greener pasture is the best to do is good idea to move to where your money are than suffering where you have non..

Make sure another government are elected.

Great Video Louis !

It is actually impossible to "ban" bitcoin. The only way is literally banning internet service too.

Japan seems to be a good country to move in for now.

I want to listen to your solution. but I do not know your language if you speak. but if you write I can translate it @louisthomas

When Bitcoin is outlawed, only outlaws will have Bitcoin.

I'll be one of them.

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