
Has there been a study done on what type of videos are being demonetized? Is there some kind of pattern or trend?

Louis, why don't you just start uploading on Dtube and leave YouTube?

Good grief you tube is really starting to suck; maybe it's not a left wing agenda but if it is an attack by old school mainstream media, then by default it really is a mostly left wing attack because the media giants are 90 percent left leaning...

Which “media giants “ are you referring to ? Do you have any evidence or specific examples , or are you just repeating what someone else told you ? Please elaborate in the 90 percent , and the 10 percent ? Or is that also a made up stat ?

CBC, BBC, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, etc. basically all of them except Fox but they are run by leftists now too and are becoming much like the rest. You got to be blind not to see the leftist bias...

merely calling themselves 'right wing' doesn't necessarily make a news outlet any more credible. Fox and Breitbart are generally into exaggerations and big colourful lettered sensationalist headlines. Half the comments on Breitbart alone look like they're just there to wind someone up.

Lol let’s not give them so much credibility as to call them a news organization , they are a bunch of old white douche bags who wanna keep milking us all for every last peanut we have left .

Those are all a crock of shit , none of them are leftist , they are corporate chodes just like fox and breightbart , watch Tyt , John Oliver , daily show and Colbert for real news .

I never monetized there because some of my friends who did had this happen in the past and now it's much worse. I use affiliate links out from you tube and also link out to my sites. I don't do adwords for the same reason.

I use yt extensively and my search results are all crazy these days. The good people I follow can't be easily found and all kinds of mainstream crap is popping.

I subbed you over there. You should definitely put your steemit profile link in your about section :)

Thanks! I think I'll go and do that now :)

Great video. I agree wholeheartedly!

@louisthomas dtube is the way forward!

Yay piss off you tube!

Probably your best hope to keep making some money from youtube is to separate your political videos from videos just discussing crypto currencies.

Not saying it's right that you have to, but seems to be your best chance of still getting some moolah from them.

Btw, would be nice to see Steemit overtaking youtube someday.

I agree but they need an app and a less buggy video platform

It will happen one day :)

Follow you on steemit, you're far from controversial or dodgy, following you for a while on youtube and it's sickening that you're put into the same doghouse than some really outrageous you tubers, and even then... where's the right to get information freely? I support you!

Hey man good video ! I always loved your channel and personality ! Thank you so much for what you do , I really appreciate you spending your time and energy to bring us good content , I’d say go to DTube but every time Iv tried to use it , my vids don’t load , I don’t think their servers are very capable . I hope an alternative shows up soon ! Wherever you end up , I’ll keep watching and supporting your channel and efforts ! 😀

I cringe a little every time I have to go to Youtube to watch videos. I check Steemit first for my subscriptions.

Yes to DTUBE!

Wonderful point of view! Your videos in general are incredibly interesting and eloquent.

YouTube is a stock company and therefor controlled from the elite. These guys seem to have some issues with how we all develop thanks to the internet. They try all kind of tricks to shut up unwanted voices like they have done all our lifes. But as you say yourself, what they do now is push us away into the arms of decentralized alternatives.

I guess it is a good thing to speed things up for us. ;)

Thanks For sharing!

Thank you for the great post..

I'm just gonna plug in flixxo. Basically how it works is when you watch a video you have to pay flixx(flixxo's token), which you can earn from watching ads. Content creator can choose how much money he wants to share with the network(the more you share the more your video will be promoted). You can earn flixx from sharing the videos via bittorrent protocol, or by mining it. I think it has a lot of potential.

I think this is important info your putting out here louisthomas. Good for you for taking the time to get involved and do the footwork.

Thank you so much for shareing .

@louisthomas Excellent, follow up . Thank you very much

Yes, makes sense. But it seems that there are other reasons behind all this demonetization as well.

Wow, jsut watched it coz of the title

The mainstream media was delivered it's biggest blow when Trump was elected as well. Mainstream media is suffering in the US as 'independent" journalist are creating channels or social media platforms that are getting more traffic and views than they are. Also, millennials are cutting the cord and going for online options for their entertainment.

Yes, there is a concentrated effort to go after these larger personalities, but there is also an effort to shut down those who do not fit the Google, YouTube or MSM narrative. Conservative commentators 'are' being targeted. That's not to suggest that more Liberal independents aren't getting their share of grief, but don't mistake yourself with how the MSM works in the US.

The MSM in the US perceives itself as the 4th branch of government. They are livid that Trump is not affected by their influence. The MSM in the US actually believes it is the first and last say on events, thoughts, ideology, philosophy, and worldview in the US. While conveniently hiding behind the 1st Amendment.

As far as YouTube is concerned the AI can't make distinctions or draw on context. It only knows 1 and 0's, yes or no. YouTube suggests that the AI is learning, but it certainly isn't learning quickly enough or satisfactorily for YouTubers.

The world government is just testing the waters. Has long as 80% or more stay on Youtube they know that we are as needy and dumb as they have programmed us to be. If you want them to change leave. But not just a few over 50% need to just not go to the site for about a week. Otherwise i guess Google can count on seeing you slaves tomorrow. Yes slave. You are working on content and not getting paid slavery is back and shocking it's not just blacks.
Definition of slave
1 : a person held in servitude as the chattel of another
2 : one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence

1 : a person {Content creators for Youtube} held in servitude as the chattel of another {Youtube}
2 : one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence {those that are to scared to leave their Master Youtube}
Now you know!