
I would love to see ETH 3500 but NEO could take some market share away in 2018

Another great video. Soon you will only need to upload to dtube. That youtube shot itself in the foot with the ad revs being taken away.


I agree with you, Ethereum implementing proof of stake, smart contracts, and their new project, Plasma, I see an extremely bright future for Ethereum! Especially Plasma, the idea of having a blockchain represent an unlimited amount of decentralized applications worldwide is interesting since you can scale all the way up. With the help of Vitalik, I see ether hitting at least 3500 by the end of the year!

It's really, really hard not to like Ethereum. I wouldn't bet against it, even with how big it already is.

I just happened to watch your video from 2017 on ETH being priced at $40+ and you saying it's not too late to invest... Anyone who invested then and held it will really appreciate the stuff you do!

R.I.P Youtube. Louis out here with 1/15th of the followers he has on Youtube and making $100+/video.

Thanks for the amazing insights! Love it as always!

What happened? EOS happened ... ;)

I attended an EOS meetup in Austin Texas on Wednesday. While it certainly seemed like some interesting DApps (consumer focused) will be created on the platform, some of the answers given by Thomas Cox left me concerned.

I am skeptical about how they have raised over $1 billion yet cant get great developers to build on the platform.

It also seems a bit strange to me that they are still raising money at this point..... It just doesn't seem all that innovate, bitshares 2.0, 3.0, etc. Which makes sense because Daniel Larimer is on the team. I guess thats a positive, but he just seems to hop from project to project.

I wouldn't drink all the Kool-Aid just yet. Heres a video that was posted on the page, they filmed the event.

Vitalik buterin is a really educated and professional CEO and he will bring ethereum to the top !
I believe in the technology !

Everyone in the community respects Vitalik so that certainly adds a sense of social value to the platform, but you do realize that once Ethereum, EOS, DApps, are created it is up to the community how they will evolve. They are simply built and released to the world, at this point Vitalik has about as much control as any of us. But as my first sentence iterates, there is certainly some social acceptance value that he adds being so respected.

Ethereum looks very good, so i think it will be a smart move to invest in this.
Thank you very much for the info.

You should have a look at ZenCash. I think 2018 is going to be a wonderful year for ZenCash.

Yes we expect alot from etherum and we hope it should rise as early as possible.

I'm very much interested in IOTA. Maybe you can do your next video about that currency?

I would say that 2k for Ethereum would be nice but also quite low as it's purpose and use cases grow significantly every day , maybe even hour. Just imagine : Cryptokitties,ICO platforms and much more .... So ETH will surely show itself .

2000$ :)

Looks like ETH is gonna go BIG.. already have. And not so far from TMC from BTC.. Looking foward to this Crypto year :D

Over time ETH Market cap will surpass BTC , great video :)

2018 will be quite a year! I'm excited for more people to become aware of Ethereum. Crypto kitties is only helping Ethereum so if that goes up I wouldn't mind either

over 9000 ;)

I'm hoping the proof-of-stake proves a roaring success and if so will give Ethereum the edge and hopefully see it go from strength to strength. Thanks for your insights.

They will try to make changes with the engine running. EOS will start with DPOS and BFT... 🚀 Will you diversify your portfolio?

Great work. Ethereum's got legs this year. Big things coming. Great rundown of things to come.

I'm just stashing some ethereum till when the price shoot to the moon like bitcoin did December, 2017.

I hate when people pretend they know what the future holds for cryptocurrencies

Ethereum looks promising right now. I think it is the only currency right now that is doing good even when the market fails. Ripple fell by almost 70% during the market collapse but ethereum managed to reduce the fall under 30%.

Ethereum behaves and functions as US Dollar in "real" economy. Its there providing a solid structure for all cryptocurrencies "good" or "bad". Kudos to you Louis for yet another brilliant video.

I'm excited about the Ethereum network and what it is capable. Is there any other technologies that you would suggest.

Great Video Louise!! loved it!!

Pfffftt...TRX to the mooon!!

Great video Louis, very informative and a good pace. Keep 'em coming!

Ethereum is one of the greatest store of value.

Great video, you explain things very clearly. Really looking forward to changes coming to Ethereum in 2018, will be amazing!

Perhaps that all comes good, but that is a bunch of moving parts to contend with in a relatively short period of time. I have no emotional attachment either way, but they definitely need to fix the issues which already have caused defections to other chains.

Yodel on!

I love your videos. May I respectfully make one small suggestion. There are several jumps or flashes during each video. I assume that this represents a break and restart in the recording. They are not particularly dusturbing and do not in and of themselves detract much from the presentation. However around each break there is almost no pause in the sound track. That is, the normal pause that would occur between some words and sentences in normal continuous speech is not not present. This tends to draw more attention to the break rather than less. There is a "rapid fire" feel to it. Perhaps this is intentional; a technique to add intensity to the presentation. I will admit that one certainly does not get bored waiting between different points that are being made.
All this is a small quibble. Your videos are great.
By the way, do you speak Welsh ?

Loved hearing this good news