Faucets - Free BTC, Doge, Lite, Dash A simple Guide.

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

Faucets are a way to start earning cryptos to play around and see whats goin on without spending a dime.
1 dogeCOIN = 65mbtc satoshi = 4000litoshi = 700dashosi = 0,00000065btc

  • GET YOUR WALLET ADRESSES >go to kraken or any big exchange make an account and aqcuire your Adrresses for this 4 coins,thats fast. Also u can use local wallets that u control keys but it will take some time.

  • GET YOUR FAUCETHUB.IO ACCOUNT>go at https://faucethub.io and open an account.Connect your wallet adrresses with faucethub.io adrresses(worth to notice you can change them any time later and can connect more that one adrress per coin).U will get paid here and after days/weeks collecting u are ready to send to your kraken account or local wallet to exchange or hold.

  • GET YOURSELF I BIG BREATH > time to click and get payed.Open your browser and go to http://bitcoinfaucet.in its a nice place to start.Click on Claim faucet site opens , put your adrress , fill the captcha and requests and get paid instantly.

Here is an example below step by step>

  • try to find faucets without popups , 5minutes is good for a rotation of about 10-15faucets sites opened at the same time.
    *some faucets pay after your accumulate 20000satoshis, some instanly and some try to hide the payout button, watch for payout sections if they just dont pay instantly.
    *i use firefox and installed a session manager addon , so when u close your pc and come tomorrow the 15 tabs of faucet from last day in your browser be there with one click.
    *the usual pay is 0.5DogeCOin per faucet more less

Faucet i recommend

the rest u have to spend some time finding your faucet that suit u http://ioanbtc.com/ < 100 satoshi 30mins faucethub.io pay http://indogewetrust.com/ <almost 2 dogecoins .u need a core wallet for this cause they instand pay to a wallet and not faucet hub


Great stuff! I'll have to check these out. I did a faucet post not long ago with some that I have gotten good payouts from. https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@ethandsmith/free-cryptocurrency-can-you-actually-get-it-from-online-faucets-here-are-3-that-work-for-me

thanks for vote.For indogwetrust.com promo code is : suchpromo ;)
EDIT UPDATE : HE DOESNT PAY I JUST VERIFIED IT.HE SAYS ALL OK PAYED BUT NO TRANSACTIONS :( but there are a lot others who pay , this is only for indogwetrust


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