Monero surges as “Monero V” hard fork approaches. In only the span of only a week, #XMR has seen its price increase by more than 33%.
Ripple consolidates in Asia. Woori Bank (South Korea) announced that it successfully tested overseas remittance using Ripple. 37 Japanese banks and one from Thailand also tested the service, and a source said that Ripple will be adopted by several banks in Japan as well.
Starbucks spoke of plans to use Blockchain on the Starbucks app, also hinting of the possibility of creating their own currency for the app’s use.
The Vice-Minister of the Russian Ministry for Telecom and Mass Communications (Minkomsvyaz) has stated that, in order for Blockchain technology to be adopted at the government level, it will be necessary to create a platform which does not involve mining.
The Chinese e-commerce giant is implementing Blockchain to track the supply chain of its meat sales
Cool Post. Since you got the bitcoin tag do you have a prediction for Bitcoin over the next few days? Also followed you for future posts :)
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