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RE: Narrative (NRV) - This Steemit-killer based on NEO looks amazing! 🤯

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Wow another crypto based social media platform. If EOS develops one as well like you pointed out in a previous post, that will be crazy.

Narrative sounds interesting. I', glad they are using the NEO platform, that's great for NEO!

I personally don't think it would be a "Steemit killer." Steemit is growing and at this point a lot of users have invested in the platform and gained a following and its working for them so I don't think everyone would jump ship. However, it does create more competition so it may slow down the rate that new users join the platform since they now have options on where to go.

Thanks for the info. You're my main source of crypto information :)


You're welcome! I really love that you're finding my posts so useful!

And it's not a steemit killer per se, in the sense that Steemit will disappear overnight. But just as we saw in the first age of social media, with geocities and myspace, this new age of blockchain based social media will likely see one or two dominant winners, and the other ones remaining small. Which will win, I don't know. I think I will just try out all the platforms at the same time, and hedge my bets that way!

yeah that's true. Good point.
yeah trying them all out isn't a bad idea