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RE: Bare Basics of Trading Cryptocurrency

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

"Never margin. Period." - love it and so true .... i tried to learn margin trading and im honestly like fuck that.... maybe one day ill get it .... but seems more like a gamble to me (i know in reality this is all a gamble, but thats at least met with a direct argument of it being an investment or simply lost faith in fiat and banks... which is what it is for me .... margin trading takes it to gamble level at least for me right now.... )


Margin trading you actually risk losing... when normally, you only lose if you sell. If you margin bet @ the top of a bubble and it comes crashing down, you lose ALL of your bet (and if you won, you'd only win a portion Q.Q). However, if you were betting your own cash... you could easily just take a break for a month and wait for the price to come back up.

am I doing it right?
fucking ouch.jpg