Let’s Join in Layer Vidy for Video with Blockchain Ethereum


Digitalization has been increasingly developed with easy access to any content. Current technological developments can be one of the biggest opportunities for implementing a profitable content-based system. The existence of the internet has a positive impact where every activity can be carried out by everyone without any boundaries. Communities are easier to interact globally without expensive fees even for free. This convenience makes the background of various digital platforms developing with global access to interact. Digitization also brings cryptocurrency that can improve the function of the currency to transact digitally. Ease of access will be facilitated with cryptocurrency because each transaction can be done faster. The existence of cryptocurrency is inseparable from the use of blockchain technology that is used to build a decentralized system to improve the security and convenience of using digital platforms.

The area that has experienced a rapid increase in digital platforms is e-commerce. The use of e-commerce continues to increase because it is easier to use and utilized by the global community. The success of every business on e-commerce is also inseparable from a qualified and adequate advertising role. To make it easier for users to achieve business goals, Layer Vidy is present for reliable video advertising. Each video will be made innovative and judicious in a decentralized system. Vidy uses blockchain technology to support the continuity of transactions and provide convenient access for each user. The features offered are also very interesting including tiny 10-second embedded videos, VidyCoin for earned by holding, special demarcation on each page, and deep learning powered keywords and sentiment match. Vidy Layer provides the latest solution using the concept of invisible embed layer that rests silently.

How Does Vidy Layer Works?

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Vidy will be the first ecosystem to use the concept of ad embedding in the text that is done with the proprietary Open-source NLP protocol. The use of an open-source system is expected so that the system can continue to be developed to get a better renewable version quickly. Vidy can be run by miners where advertisements will be shown in large numbers to text. Video placement is carried out relevantly from millions of publishers' pages. Vidy will provide various features that can be utilized by all ecosystem participants. Each user can enjoy services easily using a decentralized system via Ethereum blockchain. Every publisher/advertiser will have access to the dashboard. This access will allow each publisher to manage the campaign and upload video ads. Upload content can be done according to your wishes so that it can be tailored to your needs.

Advertisers can also see statistics from the videos that are shown. The performance of each video can also be grouped based on several criteria such as individuals or groups. It certainly can be used as a reference for the accuracy of ad management and marketing targets. Analysis can be done for users and publishers so that it is easier to evaluate. The existence of evaluation activities will make it easier for content creators to take more creative and compelling videos. Video ads through Vidy will also be presented in a hyper-relevant circular manner. The ad will appear while pressing Vidylinks. Vidy layer can also be accessed easily around the world with video distributors that are exposed to consumers on all existing webs. Capital applications owned by Vidy Layer are also packaged in SDK so that they can be installed easily by all publishers. You can also feel the Demo version of Vidy Layer to try out its performance. You can also open Ann Thread and Whitepaper to find out the concept of platform development.

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4607821.0 White Paper: https://vidy.com/whitepaper

Why Use Vidy with Blockchain Technology?

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Various existing advertising platforms certainly provide easy marketing for various products that you have. But did you know that the system presented still has some shortcomings that make advertisers suffer losses? Some problems with digital advertising strengthen Vidy's development team to create a platform for solutions. These issues include.

  1. Ad Blocker Run by the Device
    Unsuitable ads sometimes interfere with users when exploring cyberspace. Therefore, many developers develop applications to block ads. The ad service provider platform also needs to update so that the ads are not blocked by ad blocking devices. Ad sites that are blocked by the device make the ad unable to show for internet browsers.
  2. Missing Funds due to Ad Fraud
    Advertising service provider sites do not all go according to procedures. Some sites actually aim to deceive advertisers with various attractive offers. Some offers can also be made convincingly so that many advertisers are caught in fraud. This will harm advertisers because the funds that have been given have not paid off.
  3. Cost of user data from unwanted advertisements
    Unexpected funds may be charged to advertisers to launch advertisements. That will lead to advertising through cost overruns. Increased advertising costs need to be avoided because advertising costs need to be used efficiently.
  4. Many advertising frauds are done from videos
    Fraud is something that needs to be avoided when interacting digitally. Users will usually be more careful and alert when involved with fraud. The number of fraud cases committed from video advertisements makes users ignore advertisements.
  5. Many of the disadvantages of advertising fraud that need to be anticipated in the future
    Cases of fraud are things that need to be anticipated in running a digital business. The future of digitalization is still very long, so there is a need to anticipate thoroughly the various cases of fraud that result in losses.

Vidy provides tactical solutions for every problem he has in advertising. The use of blockchain technology further supports the performance of Vidy Layer to provide convenience in digital advertising with global reach. The Vidy development team also has experienced so as to provide the best solution to improve ad performance.

Earn Money by Watching Vidy's Ads, How Can It Be?

You are certainly no stranger to advertisements that appear on your page. Not infrequently you feel disturbed when you watch the ads that are present before you every time. But you don't need to worry because Vidy can make you willing to spend time looking at advertisements. You might ask how seeing ads can make money? Yes, Vidy provides a new concept so that each ad can be witnessed by explorers. When you see Vidylink on the page you visit and hold to watch videos you will make money. With the system, you are already interested not to watch advertisements from Vidy? Then what about compensation? Vidy will give you compensation in the form of VidyCoin (VIDY). You will get coins based on every second you spend watching ads.

The use of Ethereum blockchain technology makes use of tokens applied to the Vidy ecosystem. You can watch ads while earning your income. What's even more interesting is that you can make purchases with just one click when you watch a video. Only by watching videos through Vidylinks you can get various profitable activities. When you watch a video, you can also see the increase in the VidyCoin balance in realtime you have. When you want to make a purchase, you can move the button up. This concept will provide the best solution for advertisers because each uploaded video can reach consumers. Advertising funds that are issued can also be in accordance with the desired target. On the other hand, consumers also benefit greatly from ownership of VidyCoin balances that can be used to purchase products.

VidyCoin to Many Activities in The Platform

Using VidyCoin is a form of cryptocurrency implementation on blockchain-based digital platforms. Currently, the use of VidyCoin can be done in 3 main ways. The ease of obtaining and using VidyCoin will help you maximize the utilization of VIDY. You can get VIDY every time you press ads through vidylinks. You can do this coin every time to get as much VIDY as possible. Then you can also use VIDY to make purchases in one tap when ad serving takes place. This certainly simplifies and speeds up your access to getting products that interest you. This feature utilization can certainly support the success of product marketing by advertisers so that it can be relied on for business continuity. The use of VidyCoin will also be used as fuel for each ad campaign on the platform.

VidyCoin will support you to do a one-tap payment method. A fast system is a challenge for every digital platform developed. The use of blockchain technology now also strongly supports the improvement of the quality of digital transactions to ensure the comfort and safety of ecosystem participants. In addition to influencing the payment method, VidyCoin will also help you to run the locking mechanism for the advertising feature. Vidy will provide various features that you can use to market products on a global scale. VidyCoin will help you to provide control over the ads that you have. In addition, the ad audience also has the opportunity to get rewards from every ad that is witnessed. Vidy provides the right solution for everyone in utilizing digital advertising sites. With the concept offered by Vidy, then you can get ready to watch advertisements and get various benefits. try it now by visiting Vidy's official page.

Website: https://vidy.com/

Roadmap for Vidy Ecosystem Development

Road maps are important for the creation of new platforms. This will be related to the program that will be built and completed the program on time. The construction of Vidy began in 2017 with the completion of infrastructure and demo products prepared for the ICO. Then after that Beta, ICO was released in Q2 2018. Improvement of the advertising platform also began at this stage. The expansion of indexed sites was also carried out in 2018 which was highlighted by disclosing OTP in the production release control dashboard. Blockchain pieces are also starting to be integrated with systems that run on the Vidy ecosystem. In the fourth quarter of 2018, it is scheduled to launch 10 webhooks. This will be the first step in utilizing vidylinks to achieve its objectives in providing advertising solutions. The database from Vidys will also be improved by obtaining the top 100 advertisers. User data containers will also be launched until the end of 2018.

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In early 2019 the completion of platform development will continue to be carried out by launching V1 from the platform. A complete dashboard will also be launched along with the completion of the NLP consensus layer. The plan for the completion of ecosystem development will be carried out until mid-2019. The leverage of V1 from the blockchain will be carried out. Then it will start with the launch of the Miner-driven protocol. Platform development will continue to be done to ensure everyone can connect and utilize the ecosystem properly. The publisher's 10 million page index will be carried out as a first step since the completion of the construction of the platform until it is ready to operate. The feature of all web properties globally will also be made so that advertisers can maximize the use of funds to market the product. Vidy Layer is the best solution for video ads with blockchain technology and integrated systems.

Contributing to the VIDY Token Sales Event

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The total distribution of tokens for sales events is 52%. While the rest will be distributed on bounty programs, airdrops, advertisement pilots, BDs and partners, partners and advisors. The use of token distribution results will also be shared for solution development, operational costs, content, marketing, security tokens, and law. Completion of ecosystem establishment is the most important thing so that ecosystems can be utilized by the global community. Sales of tokens will be carried out in several stages such as personal sales, pre-ICO, and ICO. Token sales will also be made with the provisions of Soft Cap 15000 ETH and Hard cap 60000 ETH. Personal sales have been completed and you can participate in pre-ICO which will be held on September 1. You will get a price of 67,333 tokens per ETH. The token price is 0.00001485 ETH. After the Pre-ICO event is complete, then the ICO will be held which will begin on October 1, 2018. Tokens per ETH are 53,111 with a token price of 0.00001782 ETH. You can also take advantage of social media to connect with ecosystems and find out more about information related to Ecosystems.

https://fb.me/VidyCoin https://www.twitter.com/vidycoin https://www.t.me/vidycoin