QSP - Bright Future! My dollar cost average choice this year-

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


I have a love/hate relationship with these coin review posts, I often wonder the motivation. So in full disclosure I do already hold a very small amount of QSP. I am not one of the proof of caring members, not an ICO guy, and I don't get any airdrops or rewards from them. And I AM NOT trying to pump this coin just to dump it--seriously holding and would love to get feedback if you got any LOVE or hate for QSP! Also not financial advice - do your own due diligence and let me know what you are thinking!

In my opinion the trading volume on this coin is too low and when you start thinking about the future of crypto this coin starts making all kinds of sense. Not the cool kid on the block with the Beemer, not even the other one with the badass muscle car...QSP is boring on the outside....like a station wagon...but I'm afraid this plane Jane package might be packing a HEMI (or hopefully a rocket inside--tasteless moonshot pun)....and he might just give that muscle car all the other kids are looking at a real run for his money this year...and as you know when it comes to crypto it always feels like you are racing for pinks--

My QSP Ride Thus Far...

I held on to half of my initial buy in and rode through all of the recent December 2017, and following crashes...err..I mean corrections. :-) I honestly wish I hadn't ever sold. Not because I lost money....I actually made money by selling off at a good point....but what did I get myself into with the other half? A lot of diversification that mostly lead to me being glued to my phone--worrying about the price of 10 different coins. This coin and those corrections taught me a lot about the mentality I wanted to go forward with in 2018. I came to realize there are only a few projects out there I really believe in.

It is a lot easier to invest in something you care about and want to see succeed in the future.

---A simple, yet a powerful moment for me...

Now that I believe the major corrections and crashes are a thing of past (for now)...I am seeing that QSP is going to be one of my dollar cost average coins this year. I felt locked up and didn't trade into QSP during the last .00002500 buy in point, but I won't miss out on my next chance. Not that I want to see another dip, but now for the first time with a coin that I HODL the dips are getting me excited about improving my position...

So you heard about the recent SEC hearing on crypto .. yeah you did ... feeling bullish right?! But they kept mentioning that "R" word. Regulation to protect investors...

Did you hear about the G20 meeting on the same thing thats going on currently? Yep, they are going to keep talking about this "regulation" and that leads to one major step....someone will need to audit ICO's at some point in the future...Enter QSP. I won't bore you with all the project specifics, but it describes itself as The first smart contract security-auditing protocol...basically it audits ICO's and checks for vulnerabilities to ensure hacks don't happen and ICO's or other coins are secure and safe--

Its not a flashy coin...not a ton of marketing hype...however if you believe like I do that 2018 will be the year for utility tokens to shine then QSP will be a winner..I think the use cases for this one are becoming more and more evident.
(hints Y-Combinator...and now moving to become platform agnostic..before they were only auditing ER20 tokens, but the tone has changed and now other coins not even on the Ethereum platform are underway....demo day in less than a month now--the list goes on--)


This is my first STEEM article so let me know if you enjoyed it and I will post more! Also what do you think of QSP? Did you know about it already? Happy trading everyone!

I buy my QSP at Binance which I highly recommend especially now that they added STEEM! You can tell I am a sucker for cryptos with a real world use case scenario! :-)


Stop the innuendo (hints Y-Combinator)

Do me a favor just list the Pros and Cons...

I've heard alot of talk about it over the last 8 weeks.
But except for it being for auditing...
I don't see it as a big upside.
Where are you thinking it will...
