Is Tauchain Agoras in Good Hands?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Tauchain is a profound project that has taken years of deep research and development. Some of the smartest people I've known on this platform highly recommended it, which is why it has been making me do a few things I've not been doing for a while now:-

  1. Studying academic materials to understand the project (please check out @dana-edward's brief on it)
  2. Logging into IRC to see what has been going on for the past couple of years.

So one of the first things I noticed in #idni's IRC channel is a cool-looking username "naturalog". While I'm pretty sure it just means natural logarithm, could it be natural OG instead? The natural, original gangsta? In casual parlance of course. Turns out, that's Ohad Asor's (the founder) nickname. What a smooth operator. That username is like wordplay: a mathematician with street cred.

The Natural OG

Reading through the logs I soon realised that I can trust his words. Why? Other than his experience, I think it's because I'm somewhat the same in nature. Not that I'm a genius with great knowledge and expertise like he is, but I do appreciate stuff like language, semantics, logic, and such. They're the kind of subjects which I think helps shape clear communication. It shows throughout his replies in the logs.

Many might not know it, but everything I say or type usually takes quite some time because I do try to be careful with words. Sometimes I even spend minutes to decide whether or not to say "could" instead of "would", amongst all of the other nuances in communication. Because, what else do we really have between us other than words? This is why writing is almost sacred to me.

The ability to question oneself and question one's choice of words are part of our learning process. Why do we really say what we say, or think what we think? Can't speak for everyone, but I expect introspective, lifelong learners to be more trustworthy when it comes to dealing with complex subjects. Plus, the obvious elements of the project seems to speak more about substance than hype:-

  • The founder, Ohad Asor is a logician, mathematician, programmer, and computer scientist. To add, he attended university at the age of 13 and have about 30 years of experience with programming and mathematics. While I like to think of myself as a jack of all trades, master of none, Ohad Asor is like a master of all trades. From the chatlogs, he admits that he's still always learning and there are signs that actual research is being done on so many levels, so I quite like that.

  • Tauchain / Idni Agoras has been operating with a bare-minimum website during its research phase. The specifications of the platform are mostly done now as far as I know, so the team is currently working to update the website. This move is quite the opposite of today's crypto and ICO websites that are packed with buzzwords, marketing powerpoints, and squiggly mesh-network animations in the background to add some hundred millions to their perceived value.

  • The complete whitepaper is not even out yet after a couple of years. I take this as a good sign of proper research to get things right on the fundamental level from the start. It would be foolish to think anyone can figure out these things in record time and be certain about it. Not with a project like Tauchain. The passage of time is required even for founders to figure out the potentials and limitations of their vision. For an overall view of the upcoming whitepaper (which will be more of an engineering plan), check out the latest blog:

  • Only 3% of tokens are reserved for the team. I think it's a great decision for proper budgeting and development instead of asking bullshit amounts upfront that would most likely be wasted mainly on marketing. Google certainly did not spend millions and billions when it first started as a simple search engine. Great technology will speak for itself.

So all things considered, the project is unlikely to be a scam. If you search through the ~28 megabytes worth of IRC chatlogs, you will even find three ultra-rare instances of Ohad Asor aka naturalog mentioning "before it was cool". Look at the image below. Knowing his history and experience, I think it's safe to conclude that this dude is a certified OG. The natural OG. Total man crush! I might even ask him for some dating tips once he's done with the bulk of the development.


If those points above are not enough street cred to establish an OG status, check out this section of the chat log below:-

10:39 < Liaomiao> you must know a lot about blockchain architecture if you came up with some of the ideas behind graphene
10:40 < naturalog> i didnt come up with graphene i only explained to him a generic way to have faster datastructures than he had
10:40 < naturalog> boost interprocess memory-mapped-file containers
10:40 < naturalog> which as far as i remember that's what they use
10:40 < naturalog>
10:41 < Liaomiao> i see, well i guess if that's one of the reasons why graphene is so fast, tau blokchain is in good hands :)
10:41 < naturalog> my handwritten datatsructures will be x10 faster at least
10:41 < naturalog> im writing fast sw since people around were in highschool if born even

Just good to know that he might have had some influence in the creation of Graphene, Dan Larimer's creation for Bitshares that subsequently shaped both the inner-workings of Steem and EOS. Impressive indeed. It's a good sign for Tauchain / Idni Agoras. In contrast, I was still riding rollercoasters all day high on sweet carbonated drinks in Disneyland during the same age when Ohad Asor was already grinding like an OG, writing production-level software.


So it would seem like my investigation into the heart of Tauchain has quickly turned me into a huge admirer and fan of the project. It has never happened to me before to this extent, but I certainly don't mind given the project's scope and the main developer's character. It's at least a much better story than elevating irrational loonies and sensationalists with no appreciation of well-founded knowledge, which unfortunately is all too common in society these days. If anything would make the world a better place, it would be intellectual curiosity, not intellectual dishonesty.

For now, I'm quite happy to have found the natural OG who has been working quietly behind the scenes. So far it seems to me that it could very well be the next big thing. I'll be posting more about the project in time. As always, thanks for reading.


Website -
Github -
Telegram -
Reddit (with FAQ) -
Coinmarketcap entry -

Here's an hour-long interview with Ohad Asor that you might want to check out.

Not to be taken as financial advice.

There are 2 pages

caught this before my bot was going to give you a lousy 5% vote

if Ohad were any smarter he could levitate objects with his mind - it looks like that's exactly what he's trying to do in the thumbnail of that video

Lol thanks! Btw, scaling discussion would be as magical as levitation :) I remember a long time ago when we talked about this and I mentioned that I wasn't sold on his presentation / talk. Funny that has turned around!

just following the chat between him and dana over the last hour, and you can tell he's something else

It's all quite technical and I don't understand much of it, but it really appears that he's on the precipice of something truly big

I just remember dealing with yacc/gcc back in uni. Looks like the earley parser is doing wonders. Still wondering how it fits into TML interpreting itself that way lol.

The Earley Parser is almost magical in what it does. Beautiful actually. Ohad made a very good choice strategically in that parser.

In my own case because I express some controversial ideas on the topic of gun control, I have found out that discussions typically tend to be echo chambers. People who have a certain ideology do not care about facts or logic or the statistics in many cases. If we had an ability to discuss politics over Tau it could actually produce some progress which we seemingly can't have discussing politics over Facebook or even Steem.

Productive discussion, that being a political discussion which produces some useful idea, is almost impossible to have over Facebook. Facebook algorithms tend to group people with those who share similar views to such an extent that serious discussion becomes impossible. This is fine for cheer leading but not good if you really want to expand the Overton Window as they say.

Tangentially, I try not to have political opinions anymore. I do my best to stick to morality. My conclusion has become that politics act on morality to warp it and allow moral people to do immoral things. It is a trap to becoming a bad person to discuss things in a political way when simple morals won't lead you astray. That isn't to say that statistics and statistical arguments can't inform your morals.

Logical order.
Tau solves issues, the market is again reinforced.
Visionary experience along with mathematical knowledge.

Better look for investments.

The crypto currency got embraced by a big majority of people last year in July and by the end of the year, BTC had touched its highest price. Now in last 2 months there has been some much new entries from coins that an average person can't differentiate a valuable coin from shit coin. Your guides have been a great help. I still remember your post on RaiBlocks where you had done a great comparison of Raiblocks with STEEM. This is another guide that I really liked and I am exploring it more. Great post.

Thanks! There are plenty of layers in the cryptoscene right now. I think trafalgar's first post on Tauchain explains the scene pretty well (in the beginning of the post):

This would be great help. Thank You!

If anything would make the world a better place, it would be intellectual curiosity, not intellectual dishonesty.

I couldn't agree more. It is very interesting news about crypto. As my interest in crypto has been steadily increasing, I understand now that the team behind any project is very important.

As always, a well-articulated piece of writing. Thank you for sharing.


The initial team is important, but after that when it's open-source for anyone to work on (and sustain indefinitely, maybe), then the core team wouldn't be that important anymore. Thanks @papanog, appreciate that you dropped by.

Thank you for your kind reply.

Was thinking to buy some AGRS, but bittrex is not taking any request to open a new account at the moment.
Wonder how to buy it elsewhere.
Thanks again @kevinwong and BIG THANK YOU for continuously giving your support.

For now, I'm quite happy to have found the natural OG that has been working quietly behind the scenes.

Naturalog came to me as a suprise , to think that he has been able to acheive all these on low-key is wonderful and just like you rightly said, this is bound to be the next big thing asides steem for sure.

Total man crush! I might even ask him for some dating tips once he's done with the bulk of the development.

Hahahaha, you funny.

The complete whitepaper is not even out yet after a couple of years. I take this as a good sign of proper research to get things right on the fundamental level from the start

Certainly my thoughts exactly . This is the reason I don't want the SMT project rushed coz I think there is a bit of a rush and anxiety with trying to release it this year. Guess they should take a cue from Tauchain and take it gradually.

Not exactly "for sure", but I have hopes that it's likely to be a game-changer. Yeah, personally I'd like to see things out asap, but it's certainly important to get things right from the beginning. Blockchain projects can't afford too many modifications after the fact. But with Tau, it's possible, although the base has to be sufficiently well done.

It doesn't bother me that they don't have a white paper done yet. Anyone can put out a white paper that says anything. There are so many tokens out there, that it's much more efficient to research the team/people behind a project. For example, I don't feel the need to break down EOS's white paper. I know what Dan can do and I'll just listen to some interviews explaining the process. I want to know a person's track record and if they can deliver. Ohad Asor's project looks very promising.

All it means is Tau is still under the radar. Few people understand it. Many people think they can duplicate it. The truth is, the people lucky enough to understand it early are some of us here. It will be immediately clear how important Tau is, once TML is able to self interpret. Once that happens then TML can be used in a practical way and people will quickly find out how powerful it is not just as some sort of abstract concept but in a measurable way. By then though I expect the price of Agoras to be way up considering how limited the supply is.

Consider what TML can do, consider how important getting the formal language part right is, and then think about where this could go? What could Agoras do that you can't see on Steem, on EOS, on Cardano, on Tezos, on Ethereum?

The last I heard it was being delisted from shittrex, which only made me more excited about the project. I noticed it has jumped a bit since that collapse. Do we have any insight into why it is up 45+% since the delisting news? Did they find a new exchange?

The team is working on getting agrs listed on more exchanges. As for the price pump, could be anything! Maybe someone's cat clicked on buy :D

Now it pumped back up above $2!! Nooooooooo... I missed the boat. Had totally meant to pick up some on that Bittrex FUD. Ohad is one of these special ubermensch like VB, Hoskinson, Zuck, Gates, etc.


I'm stopping by! I want to Thank You so VERY much for all of your support and sharing all of these PHENOMENAL posts and information! I am VERY interested in this project! Thank you VERY much for informing me on THE natural OG! To me, @kevinwong is THE natural OG! Thank you so VERY much for making the STEEMIT COMMUNITY SO GREAT! It truly pays to follow @kevinwong :-) Thanks Again! All the VERY best! I look forward to all of your next posts! I'm VERY proudly resteeming, commenting, upvoting and following! Your Devoted Boy! @extraterrestrial :-)

Check out the materials. Not saying to invest money, even putting time into understanding it is kinda life-changing tbh. Alpha rollout this year is going to be something, let's hope it works in practice :)

This guy seems very special. Normally, I don't compare humans because I believe each one of them is unique and can't have a photocopy yet on accomplishment side, this man has done great and you have conveyed this info in the right manner. Excellent post @kevinwong. I will go through the video later.

You're right, and I rarely do that comparison thing as well, although if I were to venture that society follows technology, I'd look for technologists that know what they're doing :)

The founder appears to have the tools and building a good foundation quietly behind the scenes is smart. Thanks @kevinwong.

It's unfortunate there are really not enough people out of billions on this world who has enough knowledge (and time) to get involved in the development!

Hi @kevinwong, Another great write-up! Seems like you've become a fan of this person Ohad as you mentioned him before in one of your recent posts. I've been reading your blog now for couple of months and I really appreciate your recommendations. Please keep digging and bringing us the right information because that's what Many others like me can't do at this point. Steem On!

He actually reminds me of a friend back in university who was very good in all these things, and funnily, does a better job than the lecturers! Thanks for the kind words @ugetfunded. I'll keep trying to curate good information :)

Programming language Tau. We hope the code meets the requirements. This should be an Incentive to support the chain. The network with so many informations should actually learn to understand human behaviour. Weldone work @kevinwong The human interface will sure be essential.

I think you got that quite right!

Brave New Day, Kevin @kevinwong, and thanks, for the ongoing education :) Will investigate this, further.

But, you know what I really took away from this post, word-nut that I am? Your deep respect for the written word, its near sanctity, and the great care that you put into constructing your sentences.

(That's why, until Steemit came around, I thought I could never be a blogger--as it takes me days, months, even years to develop an idea/fuss over an essay, before I'm satisfied enough to publish it!)

Ohad does sound like an intriguing fellow, TRD (The Real Deal) and I agree with your line of thinking, here:

'I expect introspective, lifelong learners to be more trustworthy when it comes to dealing with complex subjects. "

Meantime, I've a new post that's been percolating, about an artist who 'writes without words' (asemic writing) to create a kind of visual poetry. I'm delighted to introduce his work to this platform and attempt to communicate my enthusiasm for it :)

Yet another educational read.
Glad that you found another interest to dive into for your busy busy mind.

Thanks. Haha.. this project is the genie in the bottle. I'm going to take a long break after the next couple of posts..

Long break as in stop posting??! Oh nooooo.... we gonna miss you!😯

upvoted, followed, but question, how do you buy them?

why aren't there any open.agrs to buy on bitshares?

At the moment it's only upbit and bittrex. Is it easy to list as open.agrs on bts? I have to say that I've not looked into how that works.

that's the thing, it's already listed and there are already buy orders, but there are just none to buy. I think I'd know how to list something or create a commodity, but not how to create a commodity on open-ledger when there are simply 0 of them on open-ledger. Frankly I didn't think that was possible, I thought that at some point smart assets were generated and backed at time the demand was created. I will try to figure this out and get back to you.

I've lost a couple hundred BTS/SBDs before on a mistake transfer using OpenLedger. I think there are aspects of it that could confuse most users tbh lol.

I am indeed very, very careful about how i copy past my stuff into the transfer window in steem. Most people on earth will be intimidated by what it takes to use any of this effectively, frankly.

My musician friends who could be making a lot of coin on open mic are so behind on this, other older people who think they can just hop on the bandwagon and brag about it are simply not going to be up to the task of what it takes to secure a key and competently operate electrum/steem/bitshares applications. Other people still think mining contracts are going to make them rich and don't understand that a. they bought last years equipment and b. those companies are not going to just hand over coins you mine but rather string you along and you simply can't hold them to the truth of what you mined. One of my family members knows nothing and bought btc at 500 and thinks they are a genius, another family member heard about that and bought LTC at 250 thinking it's going to the moon.(it's' not)

So it makes me wonder what % of humans can even use this stuff. Idk.

But after installing the bitshares app and making some trades, it is in a way like magic and my work on steemit gave me a stake without spending a dollar. And with that stake I can now day trade, I have to say I just like the bitshares platform and don't want to work on some companies front end website after using it.

I tried to explain what open.btc was to some people and there is simply no way, I end up using 20 words they don't know the meaning of. I think I'll ask the reddit group what's up with open.agrs though and get back to you. Someone has to know.

I am indeed very, very careful about how i copy past my stuff into the transfer window in steem. Most people on earth will be intimidated by what it takes to use any of this effectively, frankly.

My musician friends who could be making a lot of coin on open mic are so behind on this, other older people who think they can just hop on the bandwagon and brag about it are simply not going to be up to the task of what it takes to secure a key and competently operate electrum/steem/bitshares applications. Other people still think mining contracts are going to make them rich and don't understand that a. they bought last years equipment and b. those companies are not going to just hand over coins you mine but rather string you along and you simply can't hold them to the truth of what you mined. One of my family members knows nothing and bought btc at 500 and thinks they are a genius, another family member heard about that and bought LTC at 250 thinking it's going to the moon.(it's' not)

So it makes me wonder what % of humans can even use this stuff. Idk.

But after installing the bitshares app and making some trades, it is in a way like magic and my work on steemit gave me a stake without spending a dollar. And with that stake I can now day trade, I have to say I just like the bitshares platform and don't want to work on some companies front end website after using it.

I tried to explain what open.btc was to some people and there is simply no way, I end up using 20 words they don't know the meaning of. I think I'll ask the reddit group what's up with open.agrs though and get back to you. Someone has to know.

*Sometimes I even spend minutes to decide whether or not to say "could" instead of "would", amongst all of the other nuances in communication. *

Your idea reminds me of watching any Peter Thiel speech, he always seems to be waiting until he forms the perfect words for whatever he is going to say. No "its close enough". I try to do the same, it is tough though.

Cool words on Tauchain I definitely need to read up more on this.

You wouldn't believe if i tell u the amount of time i spend writing each post lol, even though they're not that long. Please do check it out, probably one of the best things you can do for yourself :) it's super complex though, but the gist of it is amazing. I think I've probably spent more than 240 hours studying this

seems to be in good hands the way and approach they have taken to distribute is quite good lets see what future holds

like traf says, no penis enlargement fund for the founder haha..

I thought you call someone named Tau, Tau chan (a japanese honorific for a young child or a cute girl) :D
It was actually Tauchain, I see! I keep my eye on Agoras since you've told about it the last time.

Also can give information back, I recommend for you to check ICON (Korean Ethereum), because in a couple of months they will have a swap of the tokens and a platform for ICO's.

Already have some, thanks for the tip off. Btw if you read deep into the irc logs and study the scene, to be honest I don't think many of these ethereum types will last for too long. But I guess they could really go into billions or trillions before that happens :)

Each crypto-positive country does not want to be left behind in the blockchain marathon.
So they will try their best to push forward the technology of their own Ethereum-like platforms.
And take a place in the market :d

You could be Steemit's OG if you like the title so much :)) I'd vote for your :D but you would have to dress like a gangster as well and lay the smackdown on spammers

I might start doing vlogs with an OG personality. I've practised in the shower for weeks lol

:))) I hope you do

I've heard about Tauchain for years now. I really don't know what to think. I stop following it a long time ago because it all seemed so theoretical.

Yup the theoretical proof-of-concept had a breakthrough last december (check github)

Ooooohhh yeah... The passion in this one is contagious.

LOVE it.


This is probably one of those great ones that i will end up missing out on. Typically don't invest in anything that i cannot understand well and i have given this a couple of hours now and my brain is hurting. Maybe its because i have a smaller cerebrum than everyone else, or this is just a tad too complicated. . .

still considering tossing a few bucks at it blindly just for the hell of it. . FOMO i guess. . :) :)

Just get some with disposable cash. Currently I feel this is gonna dominate the market once it works. That guy is on another level. The design decisions and considerations for what he's building is just out of this world. No redundancies and not just shoving bs into blockchains. I'm beginning to sound like a zealot lol, but it's just that I'm too impressed by it.

Looks like vaporware. Many great projects failed because they aren't practical enough.

Perhaps best known example is project Xanadu. It is a hypertext project founded in 1960, that is, almost 30 years before World Wide Web.

It's vision was in many ways more advanced than WWW, e.g. it was supposed to have built-in search, document persistence, automatic caching and so on.

it wasn't a scam, just too ambitions and didn't properly addressed market's needs.

Yeap it might end up being more theoretical and not practical. However, should look into the research he has done. That guy is on another level than anyone I've come across. A discussion driven, logic-based consensus platform that adapts itself is something to look forward to. I've compared it with the semantic web failures and such, and have more reasons to think he has a practical solution.

On this I agree. TML is the most ambitious project I've seen in the crypto space. That ambition is part of why I support it so much. High risk, high potential for reward. If it were low risk the potential for reward would likely be low as well.

Is the project very good, and when will it be active?

The Alpha version rollout (for discussion scaling) should be some time this year, no exact date yet :)

I believe in the tauchain also! Unfortunately Bittrex is delisting in just a few days! If anyone has AGRS on Bittrex, it should be moved before the delisting on March 9th!

Yup best to move it before 9th!

I haven't heard of any of wallet except for Omni wallet for storing it!

Yeah for it's only omniwallet. Some have suggested to change it to an erc20, but i think it's unlikely to happen.

I have seen that as well. Hopefully some more exchanges pick it up before too long!

Thanks @kavinwong for sharing an exceptional blog post. You always come with something out of the box which later makes necessary for humans. This project is one of them. You pointed out and I believe you always share a valid stuff. I salute that guy and also pay thanks to you for letting us know. All the very best and stay blessed. Waiting for more update on it in your next blogs. Thanks!

Thanks for the kind words @jawad09. To be honest, I've made a big mistake with a recommendation a long time ago which turned out to be a scam. But that was because I was "friends" with the founder, and not much about any other backing like this one. No more getting tricked into such :)

Do they have any updates about improving the website itself? Its pretty plain and simple but too lousy. :(

That can come later. Btw most fancy crypto websites, do they have a product yet?

this is one of the most important projects being developed currently. It puts the primitives behind decentralized consensus into a format that is accessible (and tweakable) for anyone to build such platforms from scratch with very little effort.
And that’s just scratching the surface.
Greetings from Venezuela

The time arrow is brought to the network using the Blockchain algorithm. The materials may enter a Merkle tree that will be signed by a roughly speaking miner. The network will also handle an RDF-speaking distributed storage area such as Kademlia DHT and allow the materials to be time-stamped on a mechanism that matches the rules.

some crypto platform opens the service to support blockchain, this development very rapidly from the community.
I included a new Member to this and was trying to learn the crypto, and I worry about there will be some new platform that will be a scam, and the resulting effects to new players.
thanks @kevinwong for interest topic

How is the sign become a good one?
Actually it is a lack of planning,
Am I right?

The complete whitepaper is not even out yet after a couple of years.

Not really. Even @curie came up with their whitepaper only a year after operations.

@kevinwong Very informative piece. I appreciate your frankness about your HODLing strategy. While holding for an extended period of time may be useful, there is a time to cut-bait and move profits into newer and better opportunities.##Upvote/Resteem###

I believe they had one of the best distribution mechinasms. I really believe in this project and hope to see it hugely successful in the future.

Good info, and by the way, it’s genius to say your not a genius, I’m no genius as well.

great and helpful content hope this project will successful in future best of luck

Your article cryptocurrency was almost amazing. And your video is awesome . I have benefited a lot from you through this post.

Your post is awesome! Original Gangsta! Cool! Hehe.. keep doing great post.

postingan yang bagus teman.

amazingly very nice

I'm resteem your post. If you agree

good work and very informative

informative, upvoted, followed.

There are 2 pages