Is Cryptocurrency A Get Rich Quick Scheme?

Is Crypto a get rich quick scheme? No, as a whole it is not. If you are new to the crypto world it may sound very sketchy. This is mostly due to bad publicity by the media and major corporations and banks. They are down playing the importance of crypto to protect their power of the people (YOU!). The power should be held by the people, while the banks should be helping not controlling.

If you want to understand what Cryptocurrency is and not just listen to the media and news headlines then i suggest you study up on the "Blockchain". The Blockchain is what you are really investing in when you invest in Crypto. Their is so much more to cypto then just currency value. The Blockchain is like a whole new world. A whole new world that is powered by people like you and me! Take Steemit it for example, people are able to speak their mind, with no regulations while other people can pay them directly for their good input! Now look at Youtube, if you like someones content you cannot pay them directly, instead you must watch an ad that you don't even want to see, simply so that content provider can made a little money for his or her hard work. Anyways, you get the point. Please do yourself and everyone else a favor and do the research yourself and turn off the misleading headlines that only want to hurt the everyday people like you and I.


With that being said, I want you to know their are a ton of scam Crypto out there as well. Take the famous Bitconnect for example. They were your prime example of a Ponzi scheme. Did some people get rich? Yes, but most people lost a lot of their money.


This is what i mean by do your research and get with a good group of people that share information for each others benefits not just their own. My goal is to create a honest helping community. Hence my name "Keepin It Real"

Keepin it real5.png

That's enough for now, I hope you guys enjoyed this little piece of information. This is all my opinion and not financial advice. That is something i must say due to the world being greedy and blaming others on their wrong decisions, lol. Have a great day everyone and lets all Keep it real!

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hell no its not haha

LMAO! he is never going to live that down. Just have to do your research and make sure the person you are taking advice from is honest and knowledgeable. Crypto is the future and the future is Blockchain. HODL brother and high five to a bright future.