Anarchy - mother of order or the nature of the success of the cryptocurrency.

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

What is the relationship between these two concepts? Take the time now to deal.

Many misunderstand the meaning of the term Anarchy. To be more precise, in the minds of the most entrenched only one of its values - complete absence of any authorities to the postulate of "natural liberty" where each individual speaks for himself and sells his wants and needs by any available ways and means. That is corny, who is stronger is right. But it's not Anarchy, it's more Chaos.

Society without the state - that is, in my opinion, a more precise definition of the term Anarchy.

How can you imagine an existence without the state? No need to introduce. We need to remember.

For example, Lord Novgorod the Great with his Council, where all issues of importance to society, was decided in the national Assembly and the decision of this gathering, all were obliged to obey. Including the Prince, who was not a ruler in attached now to this word the meaning, but rather a military leader and a person conducting long-term forecasting and planning.

Of course, the Prince had the right surgery at the events, if they threatened the peace and the established order to the Chamber. But!, was obliged to account for their actions. For abuse of power and could be cast out. Even from a school course of history you will remember that the GREAT Alexander Nevsky, the Chamber was twice expelled from reign.

And can recall at least one case of a riot or a popular uprising in the city of Veliky Novgorod during the existence of the Chamber?

By the way, although the Veche was the public Assembly, the right to vote on it had not all, and it's not only about the age limit. Alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes and men do not have families and children could not vote. And it was very wise. Think about how and why, who benefits, etc. can vote in this part of the society. And now vote. The same Board had many city-States, Greek Athens, etc.

Focus on these particulars, not getting further into the wilds. On a sort of quintessence of democracy.

This is the democracy, and in my opinion a real Anarchy, and died in a skating rink nascent globalization.

The consolidation policies, the colonization of new lands, the development of trade relations, the accumulation values in all their forms, have led to increasing complexity, and then the impossibility of the existence of such a control system. It took centralization.

Here we have such structure as the state winner of the mechanisms of coercion and control.

Everything has its pluses and minuses. But please note. From year to year, the structure of state power and its institutions are more complicated and confuses itself into the Gordian knot. Originally created for sound management and ensure the interests and needs of the population, the overbearing superstructure gradually turned to samokonasana and structures to maintain and ensure the interests and needs of most add-ins, not companies. From the voices and opinions of the population depends nothing. It was the turn of degradation and loss such thing as democracy.

Whether the will of the people is taken literally? No. The election of 2000 albert Gore had received in the whole country 50 158 094 votes and 267 electoral votes and George W. Bush — 49 820 518 and 271 votes, respectively. Need I remind you who was President? Not the only country and not an isolated example. There is a desire - Google this topic.

"Big brother is watching you." Also seems no need to decipher. Moreover, this "brother" every day is getting more and more attention, in terms of surveillance, also becomes greater.

Susceptible to "hot" journalists are also not allowed to forget that the state machine has ceased to work for the people. People are working on the state machine. And to change this order. Coercion is not in their hands. You can easily remember 2-3 repressed protest manifestations the last year. Although most subjectively perceived their causes as democratically justified.

Anyone except the British Prime Minister David Cameron, resigned when his policy went counter to the opinion of the population? To find such examples, you will have to spend a lot of time. But dissatisfaction with the EU sanctions on the part of its own population - on the face.

Power does not depend on people. And holding the reins requires a crackdown, surveillance, harassment and suppression. Less personal space is without control.

Let not consciously, but most understand that the state of freedom disappears as clouds under the sun. We have imposed as wolves flags and pull together the perimeter under any pretext. Yes, they are reasonably justified. For example terrorism. But treated not the cause but the consequence. It is a separate topic for analysis.

Now we got to answer the question about the nature of success of the cryptocurrency.

Decentralization, lack of control of any of the States and their institutions, anonymity, limited issue - the fundamental principles of any cryptocurrency.

The natural freedom inherent in any individual and is perceived by me not as a "war of all against all", and as the subconscious understanding and evaluating the human processes surrounding, with regard to their Outlook, their division into "correct" and "not right". Usually we call such an estimate a conscience.

Constant gain state control, the narrowing of personal space, limitation of rights, even to protect society as a whole, understood as the deprivation of natural liberty when the person is not able (without being taken to extremes, but aware of the presence of these restrictions) to respond and behave "correctly" under penalty, cause internal protest, generating a subconscious aversion (desire to reject) state regulations and tools.

It allows you to make non-state and decentralized nature of cryptocurrency.

Anonymity, and all the same decentralization act as a surrogate means of salvation from the oversight of "big brother". This is the main outlet, creating the illusion of security personal space from someone else's attention. Another grain of sand, an element of inner peace.

Limited issue, with all the same decentralization, not only binds the crypto currency and its exchange rate to any of the economies in the world, but does not allow to influence him common tools and instruments of political manipulation. The limited issue when there is demand, instant transaction for a nominal fee, turn the cryptocurrency into a strategic financial instrument. Which, again, creates a demand for the long term, as a means of investment.

Cryptocurrency is a new, modern element of Anarchy. Real part of society without a state, giving the illusion of conservation of natural liberty and the acquisition of financial independence as opposed to oppression of the individual and total control on the background of instability of the conventional financial system due to global centralization and gosudarstvovanie.

All. You had the history lesson, won the world's evil and praised the good thing is thinking, what he understands this, the author Alexander.