Suppoman Vs Brandon Kelly - Red markets and boiling point!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Well, what can I say about today? I didn't see that coming, and I haven't found anyone that has yet..

I finished work at 16:15, it's been a busy, I sat in the car park and looked at my Blockfolio account... Ouch, bad vibes in the markets.

I am not going to even go into what I think is happening, some news outlets say market correction, some say this is big traders taking their profits out. Honestly, right now, I don't even know what to make of it.

These bad vibes have been shared in a market reflecting bear-fight between two Crypto YouTube figures - Brandon Kelly and Suppoman.

Find BK's video here:

Brandon Kelly did make some points which could've been denied or argued in return by Suppoman, but Suppoman chose not to. The accusatory video by Brandon Kelly, was ended by BK going into some chart work, this at least meant that his regular viewers got something out of it after the initial rant..

The repost by Suppoman was what I imagine a toddler pissed on milk would come up with, after having his nicest rattle knocked out his hand. There was no Crypto content. Not only did he cross the PC line, and demonstrate his contempt for people suffering mental health issues, he also displayed his homophobic attitude on more than one occasion. There is a reason guys like this are not on TV, because he cannot regulate his personality or temper. Suppoman has a great audience, and had a great opportunity to refute the assertions by BK, demonstrate that he is not, as his accuser sets down, a fake. Instead...

There was an irony to his pointless profanity filled rant, he claims that his opponent, is responsible for;

1:14 - "destroying the Crypto currency market."

He further went on to;

3:40 - Homophobic comment 1 . - Marginalise homosexuals. Then a bit more;

8:14 - "The only reason I'm bringing out a video about you is because I want people to know just how stupid, the other Cryptocurrency traders and YouTubers are." - Way to marginalise another set of people.

And then - irony of the day....

9:04 - "Even in a bear market like this, where hardly anything is going up, and it's a risky time to trade, I don't come on here, and make lame ass videos, slagging other people off.."

Erm, yes you do, that is exactly what your video is!!!!! Followed by a bit more crass, ignorant behaviour;

9:53 - Homophobic comment 2. Derogatory.

sad bear.jpg

Suppoman, I cannot say anymore, I am grateful for what I learned from your course, available at;

However, Suppoman, my Cryptocurrency hero just died. And for all the valuable information there is for beginners, I can't actually condone, the ad hominem retort to BK and the hateful rant using homosexuality as a derogatory item. Shame on you.

In my most humble opinion, you need to apologise to people with mental health issues, you need to apologise to homosexuals, and you need to apologise to your fans and supporters who tuned in to see how to survive the Monday Bear market, but instead got to see a 10 minute logical fallacy rant about not being a loser and ranting about other traders and YouTubers.

Grow up and get back to why people like you, your narcissistic wounding was evident and your personality disorder is now immortalized on YouTube. You have no need to answer those like Brandon Kelly with personal attacks, keep your cool and refute their arguements, taking it Kardashian and playground just made you look like the fool.


I also watch Suppoman's videos. Every single one because he keeps his ears open to news that I don't always hear. Beyond that he's a snake oil salesman who doesn't actually know much beyond the basics that he has picked up enough to sell it to his audience and that's a real problem.

Consider how hard he was selling Digibyte, STEEM, BAT, Antshares, and lately EOS.

He eventually compared Digibyte as an ex-girlfriend when the hype on it died and tried to use that to explain away why he no longer believed in Digibyte's long term value. And then we got a one night stand with Digibyte video? Is that how you teach investing 101? Seriously?

STEEM, man the guy was going nuts for STEEM and convinced his friend to buy it at $2.60 hyping it as a $10 coin without considering the multiples that STEEM had already grown by then. Since that time period it's dropped to $1. He's stopped hyping it and is barely using Steemit.

BAT. He bought in at around $0.19 and was trying to push for his community to buy it when it was close to $0.30 simply based on the fact that it is being run by a Mozilla founder. It's sitting at around $0.10 as of this moment. He stopped speaking about it.

EOS, he was trying to convince people to buy in at near $4 for something that is a glorified whitepaper, not considering for a moment that they are releasing 1 Billion tokens by the end of the year, setting up for a potential valuation that is double Litecoin's from the get go. It's sitting at around $1.70 right now.

He complained about how the market was not Buying up, and instead Selling down when it came to Antshares as if he doesn't understand how marketplaces actually work, or rather he doesn't want them to work in a manner that goes against his own investments.

The core issue is he has no background in this space and claims to be an expert. He didn't consider how over hyped the entire space was to begin with. No consideration for technical analysis, or whether fundamentally the coins should be valued at the level they are at. His audience loves his entertainment value (I do as well) and thinks he's an expert in trading because he has a course on Udemy and has sold his hype to thousands of people.

He's not an expert, and his approach to hyping coins based on hearsay is scary and not responsible in any way. He doesn't admit he's wrong, he justifies around it. And when he claims he's been right, he oversells himself and his prophetic knowledge. It doesn't work and is so irresponsible.

With respect to the latest video... YES, he had NO reason to respond. And if he decided to, then focus on the facts. Instead his video was purely driven by a frail ego. He wanted to prove he was in the right by sending his YouTube audience after Brandon Kelly. His arguments were shallow and childish.

But I'm not surprised because he frequently brings up those who criticize him in the comments section. He can't take it.

Suppoman is and has never been Suppo. He's a fake, but an entertaining one at that. His knowledge is shallow, but he keeps his ears to the ground for the latest rumors and gossip which is where the real value is. He's never been my superhero and he never will be. I just wish his audience would smarten up on that fact.

Well said. Couldn't agree more😀.

Very good mate 👍

Thanks. :) Have a great evening.

I appreciate your impartial, unbiased, and accurate reflection of the videos. I am very emotional during my videos (sometimes to a fault) as I actually care about empowering others through financial liberation obtained through success in crytpo trading. I feel this moment in time is the best chance we have as a people to gain financial liberation from the powers that be; which throughout centuries have proven they are amazingly effective at restricting and concentrating actual wealth and financial influence. While my video was merely an attempt to clarify the information available on the market to better empower others (and not mislead them) I made great efforts not to personally attack anyone or any group of people. I believe we as a people should come together and fight against the powers that be which intentionally misinform and miseducate us, which should be evident from my video entitled Bitcoin Is Lebron James and while I am an educator by nature and by profession, it would seem that the other party involved is simply an entertainer with a very negative attitude towards others. I have now learned that and I will now move on with continuing to educate and empower my audience. Thank you for this post. Resteemed and UpVoted.

Hey man, thanks for your comment and for checking it out. I thought you have come off much better. At least your argument had substance. Suppoman was just crass and frankly disgusting. I have noticed that his students are now on his video comments giving him grief about it. Consider this, he is obviously threatened by you, ask yourself why? Perhaps because you touched a raw nerve, what could that be? ;) I enjoy your videos, there is nothing wrong with calling people out for things, or even a bit of pugilism. Outright abuse videos are not useful for anyone. I really respect the work you are trying to do. As far as I can see, you aren't making $10 every time someone takes your course. You're not creating content everyday to push a course, to earn money. The guy has 20k followers, if even half of them have signed up for the course; that will have made £100,000k. I don't know how the Udemy thing works, but I guess a large amount of that goes to him. The guy has some good content, and I was into it. But like most things these days, it has ended for me with me being let down. He is loud, brash, flashy but when it came down to it, lacking decent morals therefore, no substance. He is like a character. I am sure his son will be really proud of his Dad if he see's it. Not to mention his contempt for gays, what if his son turns out gay? BK - Keep on keeping on man. All the best to you.

BK - I found you a couple of days ago. I am one that has taken Suppoman's course. It got me going enough that I can find my way around but honestly, just one of your charting videos has given me more confidence than all of his videos combined. From what I can tell you seem to be a straight shooter. Hopefully this doesn't become a flame war between you guys. I'm just tryin' to learn. Keep up the good work.

Yipes, suppo can rant some negativity
We will apologize,
You two should team up, lol, follow his pivks and chart em for kicks?

BK started this shit and Suppo continued the bullshit. I really don´t know why people do this. There is no such thing as "Homophobic" because people simple don´t like "over the top homo behavior" and are not afraid of homos! Stupid leftgreen word!

2 things;

  1. phobic means an aversion to something, for example, I am idiot-phobic. I am not afraid of idiots, I just have an aversion to you.
  2. what is leftgreen? Is that the opposite of blueright?

What about over the top stupid commenting? Do people hate that? Please take your bigotry somewhere else. And I think you meant; simple people.

Maybe thats the postmodern definition but phobia means FEAR!

Left and green are political viewpoints.

Thanks for your reply. - fear or aversion.
Using homosexual references as a put down constitutes homophobia to me. He certainly wasn't using it in a positive fashion during the video. How did you manage to enter politics into it? There is no such thing as homophobic? I disagree. Thanks for your perspective though. All the very best. :)