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RE: [dtube] Will Governments Create Their Own Cryptocurrencies to Rival Bitcoin?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

the cryptocurrencies without backing to the side apparently come "centralized" currencies mostly supported by the ethernet network, only cryptocurrencies survive that have a use applicable to the needs of people example: steem, etherum, ada, btc bts other
venezuela is the country that leads the new technology with an token rc20 I hope it really works and that could generate the death of fiat money!


Sure and ut seems US govt are kicking against Venezuela moves. But will such move if it works solve their high inflation and economic woes ?

the petrocoin will stabilize the economy and bring a lot of investment to venezuela, there is a very important fact is that the opep and petrocaribe countries will invest in petrocoin besides the cryptocurrencies backed by some asset, DGD backed in gold and terther backed in $ do not have so many problems of volatility in the cryptocurrency market!