Fingerprints, Eye Scans Now Required To Buy Food In India, As Banks Cut Off Cryptocurrencies

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

 There was a string of interesting financial reports from India this  week that appear to be unrelated at first glance, but upon further  inspection, they all seem to be working towards a common goal—an  intrusive big brother surveillance state that tracks every single  financial transaction for every single resident. 

According to the New York Times,  the Indian government has implemented an identification system that  will require scans of fingerprints, eyes, and faces for all financial  transactions, including food, banking, cell phone plans and state  assistance. The program is called Aadhaar, and it will be mandatory for  the 1.3 billion people who live in India. 

Most of India is already enrolled in the program, with a total of 1.1  billion already using the system. However, most people are obviously  signing up under duress, as they have no other ways of accessing basic  commerce or financial services. Over the past several years the government in India has been slowly  building the program, setting up residents with IDs while collecting  their biometric data. 

Now, the government is ready to make the program  mandatory for nearly every aspect of life. Adita Jha, a 30-year-old environmental consultant in Delhi who was  interviewed by The Times, said that she was forced into the program. “You almost feel like life is going to stop without an Aadhaar,” she said. In some cities, parents are not allowed to leave hospitals with newborn children until they are signed up. In addition to the vast violation of privacy that this program  introduces, it is also highly inefficient, with possibly fatal results.

 A  recent study  determined that 20 percent of an entire region was cut off from food  rations because their internet connections were not good enough to  access the program. If you think this type of control grid isn’t possible in the United  States, think again. 

Harvard Professor Jacqueline Bhabha praised the  drastic new policy, saying that, “No one has approached that scale  and that ambition. It has been hailed, and justifiably so, as an  extraordinary triumph to get everyone registered.” 

Even the article published in The Times this week seems dismissive towards “critics and civil libertarians” who oppose the measure while spending an unusual amount of time touting the “benefits” of such a program. 

This is the type of dystopian nightmare that the crypto-anarchists  and cypherpunks who initially developed the concept of cryptocurrencies  were seeking to prevent. 

They saw this future coming, they saw  governments setting up surveillance grids and making plans to track  financial records with biometric data. Knowing that cash and gold might be illegal or confiscated in a  society like this, they worked to develop an idea for digital cash, that  is secure and untraceable. 

It is not just the infamous Satoshi that we  can credit with this technology, this mysterious entity simply built  upon an intellectual blueprint which was laid down by radical tech  specialists like Timothy May, just to name one prominent example among many. 

For this reason, central banks around the world—but especially in India—are growing more hostile towards cryptocurrencies. 

In a statement  released this week, the central bank of India announced that financial  institutions in the country would no longer be able to deal with  cryptocurrencies, which means that residents will no longer be able to  purchase cryptocurrencies or cash out through their banks. Businesses  that deal in cryptocurrencies will need to cease their services or face  legal penalties. The statement read: 

“Crypto currencies and crypto assets, raise concerns of  consumer protection, market integrity and money laundering, among  others. Reserve Bank has repeatedly cautioned users, holders and traders  of virtual currencies, including Bitcoins, regarding various risks  associated in dealing wi th such virtual currencies. In view of the  associated risks, it has been decided that, with immediate effect,  entities regulated by RBI shall not deal with or provide services to any  individual or business entities dealing with or settling VCs. Regulated  entities which already provide such services shall exit the  relationship within a specified time.”

In the very same statement, the central bank of India announced its  plan to release their own digital currency, which will be a fiat  monopoly currency that is totally traceable, unlike cryptocurrencies. The statement continued: 

“Rapid changes in the landscape of the payments industry  along with factors such as emergence of private digital tokens and the  rising costs of managing fiat paper/metallic money have led central  banks around the world to explore the option of introducing fiat digital  currencies. While many central banks are still engaged in the debate,  an inter-departmental group has been constituted by the Reserve Bank to  study and provide guidance on the desirability and feasibility to  introduce a central bank digital currency.”

The banks understand that their whole existence is at stake, so they  are working to ride the tides as best as they can and steer the  innovation of this technology in a direction that suits their needs,  which would be a shift away from anonymity and decentralization. 

If central banks are able to run a monopoly fiat currency on a  blockchain, they will have more power and control than ever. It is  highly possible, almost guaranteed, that these interests will attempt to  use the force of government to make this happen. 

If used by the people and for the people, blockchain technology could  allow us to create financial systems that are resistant to inflation,  centralization, and control. But in the banker’s hands, it could create  the dystopian nightmare that cryptocurrencies set out to prevent. As  with any technology, this is a tool, which could be easily used in our  favor or against us. That is why the battle for the blockchain and the  race to innovation is so important. 

I wrote this story @

My name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance, I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze : The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free Humans

I just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through my experience, if you wish to contribute to my medical bills, consider subscribing to my podcast on Patreon. 


Coming to a Western nation near you!

Who will be the miners or witnesses on the Banksters' blockchain? It will be the banks themselves. They can't stand to have regular people in control of their own money. If you don't control the output of your work, it is called "slavery".

The Indian government seems to be more concerned with controlling the flows of money than they are with rape, murder, and theft among common people in their country. I don't think the Founding Fathers of the USA envisioned a central banking system that could control commerce and the value of money the way that it is controlled now. Central control is the opposite of freedom and personal sovereignty.

Blockchain isn't here to help humanity despite appearances. Trojan horse.

The governments still haven't been able to take down Bitcoin. It looks like the HODLers might be winning this round. We'll see in the next couple of weeks.

They're not there to take it down. It's there for their stealth interests.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Luke 21:28 KJV
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

is anyone fielding icbms called "redemption?

Just seen you listed as a speaker for the upcoming #Steemcreators conference.
Unfortunately I won't make it, such a shame I'll miss your presentation. Hopefully you will share with us there after yes? :)
As part of #DynamicSteemians, we shall be well represented by our leader @dynamicgreentk

I am not convinced that crypto currencies have ever been a decentralizing of anything more than the data. BITCOIN INC is part of the system and really always has been seeing as the funding came from the system in the first place. Those who own the Block Chain are certainly part of the system. The truth is that the big decentralization hype is a Public Relations propaganda designed to get people involved. Once in the system those who own the block chain can as they have claimed decide not to do business with you or not. Thinking it is any other way makes me crack up!

I think you are right. It was the plan all along, as predicted in the 1988 Economist cover. Until a world wide fed controlled crypto currency is established, all the current ones will be used to transfer and eliminate wealth. Then bitcoin and such will be outlawed for money laundering or terrorist financing reasons and replaced with a "safe", digital global one.

Even this virtual world is a part of it. Seeing as they destroy the morals of the society through the immoral use of steem power (Achilles 'Heal). Giving those with the most more social power. Societies as a part of there fundamental make up limit the powerful in favor of the less powerful, for the comity, peace, and security of the whole.

I'd say money corrupts, Period. The system of monetary reward for posting is IMHO already corrupting honesty and integrity. The small fish suck up to the powerful ones to get rewarded with a nickel.
But it appears as if most of the guys in the "conspiracy" crowd here on steemit are not in for the money but because of the opportunity to exercise uncensored, free speech, which is why I am here. But even here one can observe quite a bit of butt kissing...

The butt kissing is the evidence of corruption to my mind.

I note that the pandering you refer to isn't caused by rewards, but by stake-weighting. The suckups suckup to phat wallets, because they hope for phat updoots.

I have a very nuanced perspective on this question. I know many of the early bitcoin adopters and devs, and have been following the cypherpunk movement since before bitcoin was a thing.

There have been crypto anarchists who have been pushing for an electronic tool that can be used for having undetected trade for a very long time, we need that tool, especially in the age of the internet and especially in areas of the world where people face wealth confiscation

there are evil forces in this movement too, and there are good forces

there is a difference between digital currency and crypto currency

some of the best research explainging this idea a bit better is from james corbett

John after listening to Corbett report I do understand that tools of every kind can be used based on the intent of the person. For me I have always understood this to be true. I operate based on facts that I can determine to be true.

Fact: BITCOIN is a corporation that is traded on the NYC exchange, and undeniably part of the system, which is morally depraved.

Fact: who ever provides access can decide not to at anytime.

Fact: While you may be the only one who can access your wallet, it is for certain that before such is provided one must be identified through, email, phone#, and I.D before access is granted.

Fact: That identification may or may not be for the purposes stated and terms of service can be changed.

Fact: Full disclosure is not possible seeing as human beings do not know everything that can possible occur and is why in a perfect world force cannot be used to insure a responsible party to a contract. Use of force by a third party is actually proof of invalid contract, seeing as a contract exist at the point where it is paid.

The truth is the electronic way of doing business has so many problems that Bitcoin can be used to solve. Hopefully people will learn to tell the difference between a real contract and the extortion that our courts represent? Society doesn't have a good track record in this in my opinion.

I would not have expected India to be the Lexington Square of the battle for freedom against the globalists, but I am fairly well insulated from news from India.

But, this is it. The people of India will no longer have cash or PMs to conduct official business with. The cryptocurrencies are simply no longer officially going to be part of that financial system. Indians now have a choice whether to conduct their private business in that financial system, or to opt out to the extent possible.

Farmers can still exchange food they produce for cryptocurrency with people that wish to purchase it thereby, without informing the official retina scanning financial system such transactions occurred.

Translating cryptocurrency into fiat, through banks, has continued to be it's weakness. It is such chokepoints that governments are using to prevent cryptos from being adopted today. In India, folks will either transfer cryptocurrencies directly to one another, and transform cryptocurrencies into actual money, or they will be subject to the draconian and despotic financial system that is imposing that choice on them.

While their existential need is upon them, and that is a tragedy for their people, I fully expect that many Indians will opt out, and that a global economy that uses cryptocurrencies as actual money in which you can buy food, pay rent, etc., to develop as a result.

India will be our pioneers in the transformation of cryptocurrencies into actual money, and fire the first shots into the heart of the global financial economic predatory system that seeks to turn us all into no more than chattel, or they will be the first victims sentenced to life servitude to the global control grid that is being effected in it's separate parts regionally.

Surveillance poineered by the Five Brown Eyes nations, now financial enslavement in India, social control in China, etc...

We should note that our physical births were affairs bathed in pain and blood; traumatic endings of our tenancy in our protective wombs that exposed us to the danger and opportunities endemic to living outside that security. The naissance of a new global paradigm is comparable, and just couldn't happen without the concomitant pain and trauma.

In the aftermath of the current war for our sovereign right to conduct our affairs independent of would be slavers of all mankind, we will either learn to crawl, walk, and finally run free of such masters, or will be relegated to our corrals and feedlots, to be harvested for their profits at their sole option.

The battle is joined. They have come for their lives and liberty in India.

They will come here too, wherever here may be for you.



you always have very thoughtful comments, i rarely have anything to add lol well said.

Shall we say, welcome to the future? These countries are testing grounds for the society they envision for us...complete smart cities in Saudi Arabia, social crediting in China, new weapons in all sounds good, doesn't it?

It's only a matter of time before it comes to the US. I hate how enmeshed we are into the "system" now. I just keep shaking my head. I have to figure out where my lines are drawn because I won't be able to participate in this if it becomes mandatory here in the US. I'll either flee or I'll be one of the first to have my head lopped off...

No no no, this ain’t right. There are so many security implications of eye scans, like the world is moving on towards in a world where money doesn’t exist. Instead you have sell you private information for livelihood.

(If you think this type of control grid isn’t possible in the United States, think again.)
What are you talking about? Have you gone through a border patrol checkpoint lately or entered a national park. They got every kind of tracking, tracing, recording, identifying electronic surveillance device known to man there.

good point, i should have mentioned that

China has a similar system, it hasn't been linked to every financial transaction yet, but all the hardware is there.

I still use cash for most daily purchases.

The last time I entered China I had to submit fingerprints and a face scan, for some new quick entry system, I couldn't opt out.

The process is already mandatory but has some serious security issues.

I read that in my research, it is crazy just a few months after the hacking issues there are seeking to add new features to this program

They are denying the fact that there are some issues in the system and probably they are adding retinal scan but the issues are with data breach.

The result of data theft of biometric identification is the usurpation of that biometric data, and the dehumanization of victims of such theft.

Worse identity theft could not be imagined.

The horrifying impact of such abuses will drive people to abandon systems that enable such victimization, or suffer the intolerable abuse. I fully expect the costs to outweigh the benefits of remaining within the official system that potentiates such abuse, and people will be forced out of it in order to survive.

As awful and traumatic as the transformation will be, the result will either be total enslavement forever, or the establishment of a functional alternative system that successfully deprives globalist enslavers of humanity of our lives and treasure.

This will hurt. People will die.

Freedom will win.


That new system that replaces the slavery needs to use the Achilles "Heal of humanity to be successful. That is after all how they have been getting humanity to submit.

Well, I could guess, but that's a waste of time.

What is this Achille's Heel of humanity you refer to?

The Achilles 'Heel of humanity is the fact that you can force a human being to live in a pig pen. At first they will cry, than they will get used to it and it becomes normal. Than a while longer and they can't do with out the pig pen. It is human adaptability, and it works in any direction.

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Looks like you put a lot of effort into this article. I wanted to add you to my checked accounts in smartsteem whitelist but I saw they have you stuck on 'pending' there. Very strange. I really enjoy a lot of your content.

This type of thing always feels like an invasion of my right to privacy - One wonders what's next? Blood tests?

Interesting article. thanks for sharing this on steemit (you add value in the right way!!!)