[Cryptocurrency] Coinpot Announces Coinpot Tokens

Coinpot, the cryptocurrency microwallet, have today announced a new type of "asset" called Coinpot Tokens. These will enable users of the site to earn, mine and win in a new way, alongside their usual dogecoin, litecoin, bitcoin, bitcoin cash and dash currencies.

It's easy to earn Coinpot Tokens, simply use any of the associated faucets like normal (Moon Bit etc.) and you'll be credited with 3 tokens per faucet claim, or you can even mine them in browser using their easy to use web interface. You hear many bad things in the media about scripts that hijack browsers, but that same technology can be used to introduce people to cryptocurrencies in an easy and quick way, much like the Electroneum Mobile Miner. They even give you the option to convert any of your existing coins into Coinpot Tokens, or vice versa.

At launch, you can use the tokens to enter a lottery on the site or convert them into other cryptocurrencies, but they do have plans to launch more options for spending your tokens. I still use the Coinpot faucets on a daily basis, and strongly recommend them to anyone who's maybe thinking about getting into cryptocurrencies but doesn't want to take any risk. I'll list the faucets that I use below, and where available they'll be referral links, which I'd appreciate it if you used them to sign up.

What do you think about this new token? Do you use Coinpot? Let me know your experiences and thoughts in the comment section down below, and as always make sure to follow me for the latest Cryptocurrency, Internet and Pop Culture updates, and until we meet again, Peace!


Moon Dogecoin

Moon Bitcoin

Moon Litecoin

Moon BCH

Moon Dash

Bonus Bitcoin


Earn, Mine and Win Coinpot Tokens! (https://coinpot.co/news/earn-mine-and-win-coinpot-tokens)

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I've used Coinpot, BitFun and Moon Bitcoin for about two months.

What's your experience been like so far? I've missed a couple of days, so my bonus dropped down to 0 again recently :/

I've been using Coinpot and it's affiliated services since before Mid November. I find that claiming every hour, once a day, or every 3-6 hours produces best results.

I have lost my daily bonus streak before, as well. I've noticed recently that it's gotten more lenient for some reason, as I had got 36 hours since my last claim one day and it let me keep my 2 month long bonuses. The other day I was 26 hours since the last claim, and I again got to keep my bonuses. Perhaps unfair, perhaps giving some leeway as to not completely frustrate users when they can't make a claim.

I super duper highly 110% recommend Coinpot as well! It is certainly my favorite way to earn free Crypto. I've also been using the Electroneum Mobile Miner for about 2-3 weeks and have mined 40.5 Electroneum so far from an old OnePlus One and my daily ZTE Axon 7. The 1+1 mines 24/7 while the Axon has 4-8hr bursts every day or other day.

I've also had big luck using the following Mobile apps for Android for earning BTC and most recently, ETH:

Claim Free Bitcoin (sounds sleazy but it's Legit)
Wheel of Satoshi
Satoshi Slots
Ethereum Emoji

Free Bitcoin Spinner
Faucets Bitcoin

The first 4 apps are all by the same people/group/biz Claim Bitcoin Network @CCryptoNetwork and @CBitcoinNetwork
They are fantastic apps which let you claim every 15 minutes, and with the "star icon" or "heart icon" by clicking one ad in the app you get more rewards when claiming. Each app is different. The ETH Emoji let's you choose up to 3 emojis out of 9 on a 3x3 layout and try to claim the largest of your 3 picks. Satoshi slots is exactly as it sounds, except picking one number at once (which is lame imo).

The other 2 listed are by separate companies. The Bitcoin Spinner is wonderful, have claimed well over 20k Satoshi. You can watch short 3-30sec ads to get 3k energy to spin the wheel. Either 3k or 5k energy spins each time. You get energy pretty decently fast over time. 50k is the max you can store. The trick with this one is to watch ads in quick succession by watching the first one, letting it sit idle in the app for a few seconds to buffer or some jazz, then click the watch ad button again. If you do the process too quick it'll say no more ads available and could cause it to stop feeding your energy machine. Eventually it will run out of ads but you can rack up a good amount and try again in 6-12 hours (cheating the energy, you can claim whenever you have energy).

The other app is meh. It'll give you a semi random claim every 30min of 8-15 satoshi generally for me. The strategy with this one is simply use the math games tab. There's a section that let's you do 15 math problems each day for a range of satoshi, 6-20 in my experience per problem. Do that every day for a however long and boom there's some extra little satoshi for maybe some cheap alts.

To answer the question in the post, I think the coinpot tokens are weird, sound scammy but I like having a new thing to earn and play with. I like new ideas, expansion on the site, more development, more engagement. Seems like the only way to win the lottery is to dump thousands upon thousands of tokens in the lottery and hope you're percentage is big enough. Maybe do it at a certain time of day, or on a specific day when less are playing? The value seems odd, is like to learn more about that. With my fx8300 in 6 hours at 53/hs I got around 80-100 tokens. Not sure the real or long term value but for play its neat. Won't be putting my earnings into it though, just collecting them on the side.

*Edit- Mistakes

Yeah, I've noticed they can be a bit lenient sometimes with the bonus, BCH and Dash seems to be particularly kind, I don't think I've lost those bonuses even when I've lost it on BTC Doge and LTC. I'm not gonna complain!

Does that mean you've been running the ETN Mobile Miner on both devices at the same time? I had someone asking me about that, and I did wonder myself. I'll give it a go this afternoon with my old Nexus 4. You've got some good results there, I've been getting about 10 a week since it went live on my Nokia 5.

I did try one mobile app that promised to pay out 500,000 satoshi but I never received a payout. That really was too good to be true. I did end up getting a lot of spam email afterwards though. Have you had payouts from all of them? If you've had a positive experience, I'll have to give them a go. I might set up a dummy gmail account though as a spam catcher.

Yeah I know what you mean about the tokens, although I've claimed ~130 since yesterday morning and converted that into just under 3 doge, which is a decent little bonus really. I haven't even bothered looking at the lottery to be honest, I'm quite happy with the free little drips I'm getting. Like you say, they probably don't have any real long term value, but as a daily bonus it's all good.

Welcome to Steemit by the way! I'm two parts into a three part beginner's guide in case you'd find it helpful. Hopefully chat to you a lot more on here!Peace!

Edit: Forgot to link to the guide, here it is: https://steemit.com/steemit/@johngreenfield/steemit-posting-curating-voting-and-rewards-a-beginner-s-guide

Oh yeah bro, the moon BCH and DASH is very forgiving in terms of keeping your loyalty bonus. Having said that I've also seen more than once the entire set of 5 "coins" keep the loyalty bonus passed the 24hr mark before.

Yes, I do run more than one Electroneum miner at once. All you have to do is authorize it through the app/email or some deal, it'll be apparent when you download the app on another device and log into the same account. Enter the pin, hit mine. Just be sure to turn the miner off before you leave the house or your workplace/ect, or it'll "run" in your pocket and disconnect the other unit at home you want to keep running. From my limited testing, you can't really mine at different locations on the same account, but perhaps it's possible I just need to give it some more attempts. When I've given that ago, like mining on my daily (Axon 7) while at work with downtime over LTE it would desync the accounts and give an error. If you get an error that the miner stopped, just click the more details button and right in front of you will be the reset, just enter your country and the type of location (workplace, home, public) and do the captcha and your given the greenlight to mine.

Here's the deal on mobile "mining". From my experience, anything that says mining is BS, full bullshocky. Only the Electroneum Miner and Coinpot via chrome have ever produced results or actually mined. I too tested that same app with the massive payout but decent enough mining rate and earning potential. I quickly learned it was a fraud. Just ad revenue for them. Some apps do actually run a bunch of background processes of some kind and who knows how malicious those could be given the Facebook debacle in recent light.

My advice is stick to the stuff I've recommended and shove the rest. Not to be elitist or whatev, but everything I've listed thus far is legit, and has paid out consistently and without hitch. I can even provide screen grabs from each service if people need proof.

Getting back to the Electroneum Miner, I really like it so far. I don't really know the background or it's goals but it was recommended to me as a potential big earner in the future and I was like sure man I'll watch it and see where it goes. I've had the app for months, and just recently they finally activate the mining portion but I didn't get notified making me way late to the party so I've been going ham.
The miner itself is great. Stupid easy to use, and doesn't completely destroy your system. I can do anything on my phone, multiple things at once with it running in the background. I don't even have to leave the screen on for it to work or stay in the app. I leave the phone that's permanently mining with its screen on but that's super mega low brightness and used mostly as a quick look to check progress. It's also an experiment, seeing if being in app matters. Too hard to tell what my results are consistently as they don't provide any sort of information on it say like Coinpot when you get earnings.

I have realize that maybe Coinpot has implemented the token system partially to bring people back more often. I have been claiming any chance I have a few spare minutes at work or when I think about it at home instead of like twice just to keep it going. It definitely helps earnings for what you're claiming too, but certainly makes your token number increase.

With the massive dip going on in crypto I may pull out some BTC and buy up some alts even though I've been reading lots of smack and hate on the coins I buy. We'll have to exchange which coins were staked in and help give me some extra options to look at. Like, why Doge? I personally like it cause it's Doge, bro, but it's poor 1 penny or less is meh, makes me go for Dash, LTC or Cash. Maybe I should start collecting more of it though. Who knows, maybe it'll be worth 10¢ some day. I'm sure there will be a guy that explains to me why it never will but that's cool I could use a refresher.

And thanks by the way, I've been enjoying the site so far. We'll hopefully be seeing each other around indeed! Your guide is something I really do need to read, I'll check it out. Take it easy brother!

*Edit- Fixed Ethereum Miner to Electroneum Miner

The ETN Mobile Miner is just a simulated experience to help introduce newbies to cryptocurrency, without risking damage to hardware or needing any technical knowledge. I've been covering Electroneum since the blockchain went live in November, and post a weekly news roundup which you might find interesting. I've already covered the mobile miner in a few posts, this one covers why they're doing it: https://steemit.com/electroneum/@johngreenfield/electroneum-mobile-miner-first-impressions

If real mining is something you're interested in, I'd recommend checking out MinerGate. They have a desktop and mobile app, as well as CLI tools. Definitely a good place to start.

My latest weekly news post covers a leaked document that Electroneum prepared for prospective investors and partners, it gives a good oversight of what the project aims to do; https://steemit.com/electroneum/@johngreenfield/electroneum-weekly-news-roundup-special-electroneum-uncovered

To be perfectly honest I don't really have the time to put into faucets these days, only really claiming from the ones mentioned in the original post once a day purely because I've been using them for so long (it's always go on, one more payout). I mostly trade on exchanges these days with quite a few different currencies and tokens. I was lucky enough to back the Electroneum ICO so I got a few thousand from that, and then I CPU and GPU mined using my Alienware laptop for the first month doubling my holdings. It's so painful to see the current prices, but practically every other coin is hurting right now. I've got faith in Electroneum's long-term viability.

I'd recommend not selling your Bitcoin just yet, we're currently at the bottom of a dip and to be honest no-one really knows which way the price is going to go next. Everyone's hopeful, but with the threat of regulation this year, it could be the last days of the wild west of cryptocurrencies. ICOs are now at fever pitch, with new scams popping up every single day. I'm expecting one final boost in the price of BTC around May time, and that, in my opinion, would be the best time to liquidate. If the bubble is about to burst, a lot of coins could go under. I'd recommend looking for crypto projects that have some real-world purpose, next-gen crypto projects that are a solution to a real-world problem.

My portfolio is quite diverse at this point, but I've been thinking about doing a follow-up post on my holdings after one I put up a few months ago. Steem has become a massive part of my portfolio now, overtaking even Electroneum and I've found it to be the most profitable way of earning some cryptos without a big financial investment. I also believe in the projects long-term potential.

Enjoy the site and if you ever have any questions, fire away! Peace!


Here is some images I just screenshotted showing claim verifications. Coinbase doesn't allow screenshots on mobile apparently. I'm too lazy to take a video and screenshot that.
Also there's my referral code for anyone that uses Satoshi Slots or Claim Free Bitcoin, obviously optional but if you check it out then hey there it is.

I also have a link here to be my referral on Free Bitcoin Spinner. Just like the others it can be found by entering that in the Playstore.

Can confirm, using Bonus Bitcoin and Bitfun also gives you Coinpot tokens as a faucet claim. So if you aren't using those already, get on it! Bitfun gives more than normal Moon Bitcoin, and Bonus Bitcoin is giving an average claim of 48 every 15min with current BTC pricing.

It looks like you've put more effort into this comment than I did the original post, and it deserves a proper response, so I'll get back to you in a couple of hours once I've done a few chores!
Thanks for stopping by and I'll catch you in a bit.

I only use them when I have nothing else to do... Disabling AdBlock for all the sites is a nuisance as they use multiple hostnames and domains. I've also used some other faucets that work even without disabling AdBlock.

Agreed on the ads. Having to have adblock disabled sucks (which sounds so greedy and wrong but by golly modern day ads blow) but I deal with it. Free stuffs if I ignore your pop ups, sure. The way I do it, when using the Moon sites, is open every single site at one in a tab. Moon cash, dash, BTC, DOGE, LTC, Bitfun.co, and Bonus Bitcoin. I then click claim and either the ad triggers the pop up at that moment, or the pop up happens when I try to finish the captcha.
The general ads and crap are very annoying. I find claiming on mobile seems best for minimal ad bs but it can be a juggle there too. Bonus Bitcoin is best on mobile Chrome, much easier to get in and out without getting clogged by the ridiculous amount of ads they shovel at you. It's worth it as of right now (imo) as the current average claim is 44satoshi, do that as much as possible in between real stuff and you boost those Coinpot numbers. Maybe I'm wasting time but oh well.

I like to think it's not wasting my time if I do it once a day or once a week when I wait something else to finish. I get most of my coins from trading, so small amount of coins that I get from faucets are like a waterdrop in a ocean... I run miners on all my PCs, phones and tablets, so I rarely use my phones for web browsing even though JavaScript support is intentionally limited in mobile browsers, so some annoyances don't work in them.

Yeah, I kinda stopped using them the back end of last year when the prices were really high, just wasn't worth my time. I had some luck with Moon Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dogecoin until only a few weeks ago. They still let me withdraw with uBlock and uBlock Origin installed. I think they've updated the site now to detect them too. The ads really do get so annoying.

I wrote my own rules for AdBlock, because the default rules didn't block all the ads and nuisances that for example Facebook and Twitter did show. I barely use their mobile apps because blocking ads in them is next to impossible.

I used to do that, but uBlock Origin seems pretty good at it's job. It can circumvent content blockers and anti-user mechanisms, definitely worth checking out. I don't use any mobile apps if they come with ads, no Facebook or anything like that, like you say, it's next to impossible to get rid of those ads.

I tried AdBlock, AdBlock Plus and uBlock Origin, but it seems the original AdBlock has the most modern blocking features with smallest memory footprint and it works well with Firefox Quantum. Recent versions of Google Chrome don't even start on my old PCs (about 9 years old) because the memory requirements are too high.

I only use mobile apps when I do something really CPU-intensive on my PCs, like compiling software or mining with all cores.

So have you been able to withdraw from any of them?

I've spent all the coins in lottery... As far as I know, it makes no sense to withdraw small amounts of BTC because it would cost the sender more than the claim amount.

love coinpot. great way to get free cryptos. i love it woohoo

I've been using all the moon faucets for nearly 3 years now, it's surprising how much I've managed to acquire through faucets. Prices being so low means now is the time to hoard

hey me too. im a bit of gambler too heheh love my horses and footy :P so sometimes bet here and there with btc and ltc. love it. also i am regular here for other alt coin faucet in one place (you would know that anyways) free to join https://thecryptochat.net and my favourite of all the best http://cryptoguru.tk
its free with coinhive mining which i dont like but i pay 0.001 btc per month to avoid all that. got over 50 different alt coins. do check it out. p.s if you know any other alt coin faucets dont be shy to share :P xxx

If you're a gambler check out Bitkong.com. It's like one of my favorite and most frustrating sites for crypto, in a good way. Every day there is a crazy hour where you get 6 of their currency or whatever to gamble. Otherwise it's 1, or on weekends 3 every 15 minutes or something similar. Haven't used it in a while for some odd reason, got lazy. But it's good if you can gamble well and have lots of patience.
If you try it out look up martingaling if you're not already familiar, from my understanding and when I was playing its the best strat to start with and use as a guide. If you wanna gamble me some earnings too (I think anything you gamble or your winnings I get a %) here's my affiliate link! https://bitkong.com/en?r=2Q6fDUVo
Feel free to ignore. Let me know how you like this site, I need to get back into it!

If I have some spare time this weekend I'll definitely go check that out, sounds interesting

The basics of the game is this, you bet a certain amount and that sets the playing field. There are 30 spaces to pick from, or 20 if you do medium. On easy 2 of the 3 columns are good, one is bad. On medium its 50/50. Hard is 2 bad, 1 good, with much higher rewards.

So back to explaining (sorry I suck BTW I'm on mobile and my brain is fried from work but this excites me explaining OK here we go), you want to climb the "ladder" as high as you go. The higher of a "rung" you get, the better your payout. If you bet 10 satoshi, it'll determine how much you can earn at the very top and everywhere else. If you did say 100, it'd be a lot higher. And so on.

My strat was to bet the lowest, try to get as high as possible on the ladder but have a set goal in mind. Maybe try to get to level 5 or 6. If I make it, cash out. Start again. If I lose, take note of how it was laid out (which spots were good and which were bad) and use it to try and predict how it will be next time. If I lost, I increase my bet by the next amount (I let the site auto configure that with the provided button) and try to get to one level lower than when I bet the first time. So I'll try to get to 4/5 this time. If I make it, cash out. Go back to lowest bet and aim for 5/6. If I lose, increase bet, 3/4. And so on.

Once you get a phatty little balance going, enough that you can say, yeah, that's a tiny little bit right there, a number for sure; you can get riskier. Say attempt the medium or hard and try to win big and go back to easy with some extra and bet larger there perhaps. Or you can try going farther, or betting bigger on easy.

I sometimes would go rapid fire, make it to level 1-3 and call it. Maybe just level 1, reset. Level 1, reset. That's how I recommended starting if you start betting big. Bet your amount and go for level 2 at most unless you think you can go up a few more in a straight or obvious path. Otherwise big loss that takes a long time with small bets to recover. That's why I mostly haven't came back, I built up like however much of the bits, like 60k, and lost it betting dumb. But I'm going to try again to start saving up later today.

If you set goals and limits for yourself you won't lose everything, as the withdraw is a big number that's hard to reach unless you deposit to begin with, which screw that, I'm going for free money. So limit yourself to 10k bits and if you lose all 10k, can't play again till tomorrow. But if you win 20k, maybe stop too. It really can be lost just like real money faster than you will realize. With my technique you can earn it all back, if you win. Otherwise your bet gets bigger and you can't keep funding it.

The reason my strat works with the larger betting and stuff is because you earn more than you bet always. So if you bet bigger than what you did last time but went lower you still earn more than what you lost altogether. So say you lose 1000 bits trying to get a good run, but on your 3rd increased bet won on even the first or second level, you won all your bits back for the previous 4 attempts and then some. That's why as long as you monitor your amount remaining you can continously play and earn for real, but it takes persistence, good judgment, and time. It's a really fun and well done site though. At least take a look if anything, to see what a good crypto site can be compared to a bunch of the scams that's out there.

More a poker player myself, but I've had a few bets over the years.
They look really interesting, I'd not heard of either of them. I'll check them out properly tomorrow morning.
There's one other faucet I use which is QoinPro, dunno if you've heard of that one?

love poker but never played online hehe. do check them out.
yeah i have been with qoinpro over the years. now they revamping the site lets see how that goes.

I wonder how this market will take to this. Been tough for crypto lately.

As a friendly reminder, the upvote fee is $0.05 SBD ($0.051 for incognito). Current 300%+ upvote is now $0.15+ SBD.

That being said…


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I used coinpot and moon*, andthe other for coinpot.
I like this faucet/wallet.

Can I mining Coinpot faucet with my graphic card...??
Thank you and sorry for my english, I'm so french... :p

Skippy the Kangoo...

I really like them too, they've proven themselves to be trustworthy in my eyes!

I don't think you can use your GPU when mining with Coinpot, it'll just be your CPU.

No need to say sorry! You speak English better than a lot of Brits! My french, pas si bon

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