
So let me know if you find out something about this strange thing ;)

They have a presence on Medium, on reddit (r/AvocadoToken) and Twitter. And here is their website... I have so many theories about how this came about!

Everything clear, from their Telegram : "AVO was air dropped to 9000 randomly selected players of CryptoKitties. Players of CK are wonderfully educated on the tools required to play with dapps and are also a group of people who enjoy fun and interesting things - these two qualities make them ideal for the AVO movement."

I also have 100000000 of these tokens. I hope it´s not a fraud of some kind. I play CK.
What to do. put in metamask or leave it were it is??
Any good advice is very welcome.
Hope you are Well!!

here's the avocado token's subReddit:

They're also on Telegram... It shouldn't be long before they are on Steemit... @AVOcadoToken

Thanks Mylady :-)