Alright. The ICO is from the past. Lets forget it. Following that reasoning noone will be buying bitcoins if they would have not bought them from block 0.
So I have two questions which any person wanting to get into TaaS should know:
- What is the price of TaaS now? I can see it is ~5.8 USD
- How much do they pay as dividend for very TaaS token?
- How has that dividend been performing throughout time? Has it been decreasing, increasing -just 1 cent would be enough- or stable?
If I can buy a TaaS token now for that amount or even less and get paid a similar amount per token after 12 months, then it is ok to buy now, as I would get the dividend AND still be holding the token.
Yup check out the reports on their blog. Been growing in performance every quarter, but by no means an indication of future performance.
Oh, yeah. I can see that latest payout was 1.36 USDT. That is great for the current TAAS price. I will be monitoring that payout for the following months before buying.