HOT Cryptos - ETHLend & Ripple

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

By and large, cryptocurrencies had a great year in 2017, but out of all cryptocurrencies; There are over 1,300 of them, only a few of them will see triple and quadruple-digit profits in the coming year. The truth of the matter is that most of you end up being broke.

The first is Ripple, a company that creates blockchain technology. This allows companies to create their own technology that enables peer-to-peer transactions. They work with banks and other financial institutions, which means that this could be more relatable to the real world than other virtual currencies. Today, this coin trade is $ 1.84 per coin, and he expects this to double, or even triple, next year.

The second is ETHLend. This is a credit channel that allows your clients to borrow to others. So, in simple terms, it's similar to a virtual loan. The loan is backed by collateral. At the moment it is trading at $0 .22 but he expects to increase this to 1,000 times over the next year as it becomes more well-known and popular.

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i like these. i need a little EthLend now! Thx